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Psychometric properties of the workplace psychologically violent behaviors-WPVB instrument. Translation and validation in Greek Health Professionals

  • Received: 03 January 2019 Accepted: 21 February 2019 Published: 27 February 2019
  • Background: Mobbing exerts severe psychological and occupational effects on the victim. This study aims to validate the Yildirim & Yildirim’s Workplace Psychologically Violent Behaviors (WPVB) instrument (2008) in the Greek language in Greece, as cultural variations may result in significantly different perceptions of mobbing. Methodology: A translation process of the WPVB questionnaire scale was followed from the English to the Greek version and a review by a team of experts for its content validity took place, as well. Principal component analysis took place and the Cronbach's index was 0.95. The cross sectional, quantitative study was performed in 1536 health professionals (HPs), working in 11 public hospitals for at least one year with response rate of 76.8%. Results: Factor analysis revealed two factors, and 31-item construct, compared to the four factors and the 33-item construct of the original version of the tool. All items were found to have a statistically significant correlation (p < 0.001). Median score was 0.48. Whereas 25% of answers score was above 1.00, thus suggesting significant mobbing in around 25% of HPs. Association of WPVBs subscales with sex and occupation are had lower values in women as compared to men. Lower scores on “Attack on personality” and “Total mobbing” score were recorded in nurses as compared to doctors. Doctors had lower scores on “Individual’s isolation from work” as compared to administrative personnel, while had greater scores on “Individual’s isolation from work” as compared to technicians. Nurses had significantly lower scores on “Attack on professional status”, “Individual’s isolation from work”, “Direct attack” and “Total mobbing” score as compared to administrative personnel. Conclusions: The study highlights that the phenomenon of mobbing exists in Greek HPs regardless of age, gender, level of study and negatively affects their lives. Focusing on improving this area, is expected to promote occupational health and safety of these workers.

    Citation: Aristotelis Koinis, Emmanouil Velonakis, Chara Tzavara, Foteini Tzavella, Styliani Tziaferi. Psychometric properties of the workplace psychologically violent behaviors-WPVB instrument. Translation and validation in Greek Health Professionals[J]. AIMS Public Health, 2019, 6(1): 79-95. doi: 10.3934/publichealth.2019.1.79

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  • Background: Mobbing exerts severe psychological and occupational effects on the victim. This study aims to validate the Yildirim & Yildirim’s Workplace Psychologically Violent Behaviors (WPVB) instrument (2008) in the Greek language in Greece, as cultural variations may result in significantly different perceptions of mobbing. Methodology: A translation process of the WPVB questionnaire scale was followed from the English to the Greek version and a review by a team of experts for its content validity took place, as well. Principal component analysis took place and the Cronbach's index was 0.95. The cross sectional, quantitative study was performed in 1536 health professionals (HPs), working in 11 public hospitals for at least one year with response rate of 76.8%. Results: Factor analysis revealed two factors, and 31-item construct, compared to the four factors and the 33-item construct of the original version of the tool. All items were found to have a statistically significant correlation (p < 0.001). Median score was 0.48. Whereas 25% of answers score was above 1.00, thus suggesting significant mobbing in around 25% of HPs. Association of WPVBs subscales with sex and occupation are had lower values in women as compared to men. Lower scores on “Attack on personality” and “Total mobbing” score were recorded in nurses as compared to doctors. Doctors had lower scores on “Individual’s isolation from work” as compared to administrative personnel, while had greater scores on “Individual’s isolation from work” as compared to technicians. Nurses had significantly lower scores on “Attack on professional status”, “Individual’s isolation from work”, “Direct attack” and “Total mobbing” score as compared to administrative personnel. Conclusions: The study highlights that the phenomenon of mobbing exists in Greek HPs regardless of age, gender, level of study and negatively affects their lives. Focusing on improving this area, is expected to promote occupational health and safety of these workers.


    Conflict of interest

    The author(s) declared no potential conflicts of interest with respect to the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article.

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