Research article Special Issues

A lumped parameter model for evaluating coronary artery blood supply capacity

  • Received: 29 January 2024 Revised: 22 April 2024 Accepted: 26 April 2024 Published: 07 May 2024
  • The coronary artery constitutes a vital vascular system that sustains cardiac function, with its primary role being the conveyance of indispensable nutrients to the myocardial tissue. When coronary artery disease occurs, it will affect the blood supply of the heart and induce myocardial ischemia. Therefore, it is of great significance to numerically simulate the coronary artery and evaluate its blood supply capacity. In this article, the coronary artery lumped parameter model was derived based on the relationship between circuit system parameters and cardiovascular system parameters, and the blood supply capacity of the coronary artery in healthy and stenosis states was studied. The aortic root pressure calculated by the aortic valve fluid-structure interaction (AV FSI) simulator was employed as the inlet boundary condition. To emulate the physiological phenomenon of sudden pressure drops resulting from an abrupt reduction in blood vessel radius, a head loss model was connected at the coronary artery's entrance. For each coronary artery outlet, the symmetric structured tree model was appended to simulate the terminal impedance of the missing downstream coronary arteries. The particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm was used to optimize the blood flow viscous resistance, blood flow inertia, and vascular compliance of the coronary artery model. In the stenosis states, the relative flow and fractional flow reserve (FFR) calculated by numerical simulation corresponded to the published literature data. It was anticipated that the proposed model can be readily adapted for clinical application, serving as a valuable reference for diagnosing and treating patients.

    Citation: Li Cai, Qian Zhong, Juan Xu, Yuan Huang, Hao Gao. A lumped parameter model for evaluating coronary artery blood supply capacity[J]. Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 2024, 21(4): 5838-5862. doi: 10.3934/mbe.2024258

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  • The coronary artery constitutes a vital vascular system that sustains cardiac function, with its primary role being the conveyance of indispensable nutrients to the myocardial tissue. When coronary artery disease occurs, it will affect the blood supply of the heart and induce myocardial ischemia. Therefore, it is of great significance to numerically simulate the coronary artery and evaluate its blood supply capacity. In this article, the coronary artery lumped parameter model was derived based on the relationship between circuit system parameters and cardiovascular system parameters, and the blood supply capacity of the coronary artery in healthy and stenosis states was studied. The aortic root pressure calculated by the aortic valve fluid-structure interaction (AV FSI) simulator was employed as the inlet boundary condition. To emulate the physiological phenomenon of sudden pressure drops resulting from an abrupt reduction in blood vessel radius, a head loss model was connected at the coronary artery's entrance. For each coronary artery outlet, the symmetric structured tree model was appended to simulate the terminal impedance of the missing downstream coronary arteries. The particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm was used to optimize the blood flow viscous resistance, blood flow inertia, and vascular compliance of the coronary artery model. In the stenosis states, the relative flow and fractional flow reserve (FFR) calculated by numerical simulation corresponded to the published literature data. It was anticipated that the proposed model can be readily adapted for clinical application, serving as a valuable reference for diagnosing and treating patients.


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