Research article

Pulsatile flow through idealized renal tubules: Fluid-structure interaction and dynamic pathologies

  • Received: 22 July 2019 Accepted: 05 November 2019 Published: 17 December 2019
  • Kidney tubules are lined with flow-sensing structures, yet information about the flow itself is not easily obtained. We aim to generate a multiscale biomechanical model for analyzing fluid flow and fluid-structure interactions within an elastic kidney tubule when the driving pressure is pulsatile. We developed a two-dimensional macroscopic mathematical model of a single fluid-filled tubule corresponding to a distal nephron segment and determined both flow dynamics and wall strains over a range of driving frequencies and wall compliances using finite-element analysis. The results presented here demonstrate good agreement with available analytical solutions and form a foundation for future inclusion of elastohydrodynamic coupling by neighboring tubules. Overall, we are interested in exploring the idea of dynamic pathology to better understand the progression of chronic kidney diseases such as Polycystic Kidney Disease.

    Citation: Niksa Praljak, Shawn D. Ryan, Andrew Resnick. Pulsatile flow through idealized renal tubules: Fluid-structure interaction and dynamic pathologies[J]. Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 2020, 17(2): 1787-1807. doi: 10.3934/mbe.2020094

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  • Kidney tubules are lined with flow-sensing structures, yet information about the flow itself is not easily obtained. We aim to generate a multiscale biomechanical model for analyzing fluid flow and fluid-structure interactions within an elastic kidney tubule when the driving pressure is pulsatile. We developed a two-dimensional macroscopic mathematical model of a single fluid-filled tubule corresponding to a distal nephron segment and determined both flow dynamics and wall strains over a range of driving frequencies and wall compliances using finite-element analysis. The results presented here demonstrate good agreement with available analytical solutions and form a foundation for future inclusion of elastohydrodynamic coupling by neighboring tubules. Overall, we are interested in exploring the idea of dynamic pathology to better understand the progression of chronic kidney diseases such as Polycystic Kidney Disease.


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