Case report Special Issues

Bryozoan limestone experience—the case of Stevns Klint

  • Received: 20 February 2019 Accepted: 29 April 2019 Published: 20 May 2019
  • Bryozoan limestone is a formation of Danian limestone, generally found underlying the younger Copenhagen formation and above the Cretaceous chalk. The mineralogy between the Danian and Cretaceous formations is similar, resulting in similar mechanical responses of the matrix material. The mineralogy of the mentioned formations generally includes calcareous minerals with variable contents of flint (siliceous materials) and irregularly a small content of other materials. The distinctive feature of the matrix material of these formations is primarily the type of porosity reflecting the originating organisms and depositional history. Our database includes Bryozoan limestone data collected on major infrastructure projects between Sjælland (Denmark) and Skåne (Sweden), such as Malmø Citytunnel, as well as from a number of smaller investigation campaigns. The database includes borehole registrations, geological descriptions, classification tests and basic strength tests. Further knowledge collection includes results of wireline logging, advanced laboratory tests etc. In the latest campaign on the Bryozoan limestone, the site and material are investigated for the design of the rock anchors at the UNESCO site of Stevns Klint. The article presents a part of the interpretation of the mechanical behavior of Bryozoan limestone aided by the use of the existing database.

    Citation: Nataša Katić, Joakim S. Korshøj, Helle F. Christensen. Bryozoan limestone experience—the case of Stevns Klint[J]. AIMS Geosciences, 2019, 5(2): 163-183. doi: 10.3934/geosci.2019.2.163

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  • Bryozoan limestone is a formation of Danian limestone, generally found underlying the younger Copenhagen formation and above the Cretaceous chalk. The mineralogy between the Danian and Cretaceous formations is similar, resulting in similar mechanical responses of the matrix material. The mineralogy of the mentioned formations generally includes calcareous minerals with variable contents of flint (siliceous materials) and irregularly a small content of other materials. The distinctive feature of the matrix material of these formations is primarily the type of porosity reflecting the originating organisms and depositional history. Our database includes Bryozoan limestone data collected on major infrastructure projects between Sjælland (Denmark) and Skåne (Sweden), such as Malmø Citytunnel, as well as from a number of smaller investigation campaigns. The database includes borehole registrations, geological descriptions, classification tests and basic strength tests. Further knowledge collection includes results of wireline logging, advanced laboratory tests etc. In the latest campaign on the Bryozoan limestone, the site and material are investigated for the design of the rock anchors at the UNESCO site of Stevns Klint. The article presents a part of the interpretation of the mechanical behavior of Bryozoan limestone aided by the use of the existing database.


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