Research article

Yield characterization of Mediterranean barley under drought stress condition

  • Received: 20 February 2019 Accepted: 16 June 2019 Published: 03 July 2019
  • Field experiments carried out at the Experimental Research Station of Nubaria, during two seasons of 2016/2017 and 2017/2018 to characterize the Mediterranean barley (Egyptian, Tunisian, Algerian and Morocco) varieties grown under water stress (40% WHC) and normal irrigation (75% WHC). The barley grain yield had a positive and highly significant correlation with drought stress indices (STI, MP and GMP), indicating that STI, MP and GMP more suitable indices for selecting barley varieties to drought stress tolerance. Results also concluded that the Egyptian varieties (Giza 131, Giza 127, Giza 2000, Giza 130), Tunisian varieties (Kebili 3,Tozeur 2, Sidi-Bou), Algerian varieties (Naïlia and Techedrett and Temacine) and Morocco varieties (Laanaceur, Massine and Amira), gained the highest values of most drought tolerance indices and produced greater grain yield proving their drought stress tolerance as compare to Giza 125 and Giza 126 (Egyptian), Tombari, Raihane (Tunisian), Ksar-Megrine, Ras El-Mouch (Algerian) and Tamellalet, Adrar (Morocco) which was the lowest grain yield under water stress condition. The data obtained from this study could be useful for barley breeders, agronomists and grain producers in order to increase grain yield under water stress condition of arid and semi-arid regions in North African countries.

    Citation: Farid Hellal, Mohamed Abdel-Hady, Ismail Khatab, Saied El-Sayed, Chedly Abdelly. Yield characterization of Mediterranean barley under drought stress condition[J]. AIMS Agriculture and Food, 2019, 4(3): 518-533. doi: 10.3934/agrfood.2019.3.518

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  • Field experiments carried out at the Experimental Research Station of Nubaria, during two seasons of 2016/2017 and 2017/2018 to characterize the Mediterranean barley (Egyptian, Tunisian, Algerian and Morocco) varieties grown under water stress (40% WHC) and normal irrigation (75% WHC). The barley grain yield had a positive and highly significant correlation with drought stress indices (STI, MP and GMP), indicating that STI, MP and GMP more suitable indices for selecting barley varieties to drought stress tolerance. Results also concluded that the Egyptian varieties (Giza 131, Giza 127, Giza 2000, Giza 130), Tunisian varieties (Kebili 3,Tozeur 2, Sidi-Bou), Algerian varieties (Naïlia and Techedrett and Temacine) and Morocco varieties (Laanaceur, Massine and Amira), gained the highest values of most drought tolerance indices and produced greater grain yield proving their drought stress tolerance as compare to Giza 125 and Giza 126 (Egyptian), Tombari, Raihane (Tunisian), Ksar-Megrine, Ras El-Mouch (Algerian) and Tamellalet, Adrar (Morocco) which was the lowest grain yield under water stress condition. The data obtained from this study could be useful for barley breeders, agronomists and grain producers in order to increase grain yield under water stress condition of arid and semi-arid regions in North African countries.


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