
Solid state transformer technologies and applications: A bibliographical survey

  • Received: 22 January 2018 Accepted: 04 April 2018 Published: 20 April 2018
  • This paper presents a bibliographical survey of the work carried out to date on the solid state transformer (SST). The paper provides a list of references that cover most work related to this device and a short discussion about several aspects. The sections of the paper are respectively dedicated to summarize configurations and control strategies for each SST stage, the work carried out for optimizing the design of high-frequency transformers that could adequately work in the isolation stage of a SST, the efficiency of this device, the various modelling approaches and simulation tools used to analyze the performance of a SST (working a component of a microgrid, a distribution system or just in a standalone scenario), and the potential applications that this device is offering as a component of a power grid, a smart house, or a traction system.

    Citation: M. Ebrahim Adabi, Juan A. Martinez-Velasco. Solid state transformer technologies and applications: A bibliographical survey[J]. AIMS Energy, 2018, 6(2): 291-338. doi: 10.3934/energy.2018.2.291

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  • This paper presents a bibliographical survey of the work carried out to date on the solid state transformer (SST). The paper provides a list of references that cover most work related to this device and a short discussion about several aspects. The sections of the paper are respectively dedicated to summarize configurations and control strategies for each SST stage, the work carried out for optimizing the design of high-frequency transformers that could adequately work in the isolation stage of a SST, the efficiency of this device, the various modelling approaches and simulation tools used to analyze the performance of a SST (working a component of a microgrid, a distribution system or just in a standalone scenario), and the potential applications that this device is offering as a component of a power grid, a smart house, or a traction system.

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