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Integrated review of the nexus between toxic elements in the environment and human health

  • Received: 01 September 2022 Revised: 16 November 2022 Accepted: 24 November 2022 Published: 30 November 2022
  • Emerging pollutants in the environment due to economic development have become a global challenge for environmental and human health management. Potentially toxic elements (PTEs), a major group of pollutants, have been detected in soil, air, water and food crops. Humans are exposed to PTEs through soil ingestion, consumption of water, uptake of food crop products originating from polluted fields, breathing of dust and fumes, and direct contact of the skin with contaminated soil and water. The dose absorbed by humans, the exposure route and the duration (i.e., acute or chronic) determine the toxicity of PTEs. Poisoning by PTEs can lead to excessive damage to health as a consequence of oxidative stress produced by the formation of free radicals and, as a consequence, to various disorders. The toxicity of certain organs includes neurotoxicity, nephrotoxicity, hepatotoxicity, skin toxicity, and cardiovascular toxicity. In the treatment of PTE toxicity, synthetic chelating agents and symptomatic supportive procedures have been conventionally used. In addition, there are new insights concerning natural products which may be a powerful option to treat several adverse consequences. Health policy implications need to include monitoring air, water, soil, food products, and individuals at risk, as well as environmental manipulation of soil, water, and sewage. The overall goal of this review is to present an integrated view of human exposure, risk assessment, clinical effects, as well as therapy, including new treatment options, related to highly toxic PTEs.

    Citation: Rolf Nieder, Dinesh K. Benbi. Integrated review of the nexus between toxic elements in the environment and human health[J]. AIMS Public Health, 2022, 9(4): 758-789. doi: 10.3934/publichealth.2022052

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  • Emerging pollutants in the environment due to economic development have become a global challenge for environmental and human health management. Potentially toxic elements (PTEs), a major group of pollutants, have been detected in soil, air, water and food crops. Humans are exposed to PTEs through soil ingestion, consumption of water, uptake of food crop products originating from polluted fields, breathing of dust and fumes, and direct contact of the skin with contaminated soil and water. The dose absorbed by humans, the exposure route and the duration (i.e., acute or chronic) determine the toxicity of PTEs. Poisoning by PTEs can lead to excessive damage to health as a consequence of oxidative stress produced by the formation of free radicals and, as a consequence, to various disorders. The toxicity of certain organs includes neurotoxicity, nephrotoxicity, hepatotoxicity, skin toxicity, and cardiovascular toxicity. In the treatment of PTE toxicity, synthetic chelating agents and symptomatic supportive procedures have been conventionally used. In addition, there are new insights concerning natural products which may be a powerful option to treat several adverse consequences. Health policy implications need to include monitoring air, water, soil, food products, and individuals at risk, as well as environmental manipulation of soil, water, and sewage. The overall goal of this review is to present an integrated view of human exposure, risk assessment, clinical effects, as well as therapy, including new treatment options, related to highly toxic PTEs.


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    The authors confirm that they have no competing interests. They are solely responsible for the writing and content of this paper.

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