Research article

Influence maximization in social networks using role-based embedding

  • Received: 18 May 2023 Revised: 18 June 2023 Accepted: 05 July 2023 Published: 19 July 2023
  • Influence maximization (IM), a central issue in optimizing information diffusion on social platforms, aims to spread posts or comments more widely, rapidly, and efficiently. Existing studies primarily focus on the positive effects of incorporating heuristic calculations in IM approaches. However, heuristic models fail to consider the potential enhancements that can be achieved through network representation learning techniques. Some recent work is keen to use representation learning to deal with IM issues. However, few in-depth studies have explored the existing challenges in IM representation learning, specifically regarding the role characteristics and role representations. This paper highlights the potential advantages of combining heuristic computing and role embedding to solve IM problems. First, the method introduces role granularity classification to effectively categorize users into three distinct roles: opinion leaders, structural holes and normal nodes. This classification enables a deeper understanding of the dynamics of users within the network. Second, a novel role-based network embedding (RbNE) algorithm is proposed. By leveraging the concept of node roles, RbNE captures the similarity between nodes, allowing for a more accurate representation of the network structure. Finally, a superior IM approach, named RbneIM, is recommended. RbneIM combines heuristic computing and role embedding to establish a fusion-enhanced IM solution, resulting in an improved influence analysis process. Exploratory outcomes on six social network datasets indicate that the proposed approach outperforms state-of-the-art seeding algorithms in terms of maximizing influence. This finding highlights the effectiveness and efficacy of the proposed method in achieving higher levels of influence within social networks. The code is available at

    Citation: Xu Gu, Zhibin Wang, Xiaoliang Chen, Peng Lu, Yajun Du, Mingwei Tang. Influence maximization in social networks using role-based embedding[J]. Networks and Heterogeneous Media, 2023, 18(4): 1539-1574. doi: 10.3934/nhm.2023068

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  • Influence maximization (IM), a central issue in optimizing information diffusion on social platforms, aims to spread posts or comments more widely, rapidly, and efficiently. Existing studies primarily focus on the positive effects of incorporating heuristic calculations in IM approaches. However, heuristic models fail to consider the potential enhancements that can be achieved through network representation learning techniques. Some recent work is keen to use representation learning to deal with IM issues. However, few in-depth studies have explored the existing challenges in IM representation learning, specifically regarding the role characteristics and role representations. This paper highlights the potential advantages of combining heuristic computing and role embedding to solve IM problems. First, the method introduces role granularity classification to effectively categorize users into three distinct roles: opinion leaders, structural holes and normal nodes. This classification enables a deeper understanding of the dynamics of users within the network. Second, a novel role-based network embedding (RbNE) algorithm is proposed. By leveraging the concept of node roles, RbNE captures the similarity between nodes, allowing for a more accurate representation of the network structure. Finally, a superior IM approach, named RbneIM, is recommended. RbneIM combines heuristic computing and role embedding to establish a fusion-enhanced IM solution, resulting in an improved influence analysis process. Exploratory outcomes on six social network datasets indicate that the proposed approach outperforms state-of-the-art seeding algorithms in terms of maximizing influence. This finding highlights the effectiveness and efficacy of the proposed method in achieving higher levels of influence within social networks. The code is available at


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