Research article Special Issues

Fault diagnosis of printing press bearing based on deformable convolution residual neural network

  • Received: 01 December 2022 Revised: 02 February 2023 Accepted: 06 February 2023 Published: 13 February 2023
  • Rolling bear is a major critical component of rotating machinery, as its working condition affects the performance of the equipment. As a result, the condition monitoring and fault diagnosis of bearings get more and more attention. However, the strong background noise makes it difficult to extract the bearing fault features exactly. Furthermore, regular gradient disappearance and overfit appear in traditional network model training. Therefore, taking the printing press bearings as the research object, an intelligent fault diagnosis method based on strong background noise is proposed. This method integrates frequency slice wavelet transform (FSWT), deformable convolution and residual neural network together, and realizes the high-precision fault diagnosis of the printing press bearings. First, FSWT is used to preprocess the original vibration signal to obtain bearing fault features in the time and frequency domain, reconstruct the signal in any frequency band and describe local features accurately. Second, the ResNet is selected as the base network, and the two-dimensional time-frequency diagrams (TFD) obtained by preprocessing are used as input. For the model that has a poor ability to extract subtle features under strong background noise, the deformable convolution layer is introduced to reconstruct the convolution layer of ResNet, called deformable convolution residual neural network (DC-ResNet). Finally, the effectiveness of this method is verified by using the data sets collected under experimental conditions and actual working conditions for fault diagnosis of the printing press. The results show that the DC-ResNet can classify different bearing faults under strong background noise, and the accuracy and stability are greatly improved, which the accuracy meets 93.90%. The intelligent fault diagnosis with high-precision of printing press bearings under complex working conditions is realized by the proposed method.

    Citation: Qiumin Wu, Ziqi Zhu, Jiahui Tang, Yukang Xia. Fault diagnosis of printing press bearing based on deformable convolution residual neural network[J]. Networks and Heterogeneous Media, 2023, 18(2): 622-646. doi: 10.3934/nhm.2023027

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  • Rolling bear is a major critical component of rotating machinery, as its working condition affects the performance of the equipment. As a result, the condition monitoring and fault diagnosis of bearings get more and more attention. However, the strong background noise makes it difficult to extract the bearing fault features exactly. Furthermore, regular gradient disappearance and overfit appear in traditional network model training. Therefore, taking the printing press bearings as the research object, an intelligent fault diagnosis method based on strong background noise is proposed. This method integrates frequency slice wavelet transform (FSWT), deformable convolution and residual neural network together, and realizes the high-precision fault diagnosis of the printing press bearings. First, FSWT is used to preprocess the original vibration signal to obtain bearing fault features in the time and frequency domain, reconstruct the signal in any frequency band and describe local features accurately. Second, the ResNet is selected as the base network, and the two-dimensional time-frequency diagrams (TFD) obtained by preprocessing are used as input. For the model that has a poor ability to extract subtle features under strong background noise, the deformable convolution layer is introduced to reconstruct the convolution layer of ResNet, called deformable convolution residual neural network (DC-ResNet). Finally, the effectiveness of this method is verified by using the data sets collected under experimental conditions and actual working conditions for fault diagnosis of the printing press. The results show that the DC-ResNet can classify different bearing faults under strong background noise, and the accuracy and stability are greatly improved, which the accuracy meets 93.90%. The intelligent fault diagnosis with high-precision of printing press bearings under complex working conditions is realized by the proposed method.


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