Modal decomposition of linearized open channel flow
Cemagref, UMR G-EAU, 361 rue JF Breton, F-34196 Montpellier Cedex 5
INRA, Unité Mathématique Informatique et Génome, UR1077, INRA-MIG, F-78350 Jouy-en-Josas
01 September 2008
01 February 2009
Primary: 35B37, 93C20, 93C80, 35L65; Secondary: 35C05, 35Q35.
Open channel flow is traditionally modeled as an hyperbolic system of conservation laws,
which is an infinite dimensional system with complex dynamics. We consider in this paper
an open channel represented by the Saint-Venant equations linearized around a non uniform
steady flow regime. We use a frequency domain approach to fully characterize the open
channel flow dynamics. The use of the Laplace transform enables us to derive the
distributed transfer matrix, linking the boundary inputs to the state of the system. The
poles of the system are then computed analytically, and each transfer function is
decomposed in a series of eigenfunctions, where the influence of space and time variables
can be decoupled. As a result, we can express the time-domain response of the whole canal
pool to boundary inputs in terms of discharges. This study is first done in the uniform
case, and finally extended to the non uniform case. The solution is studied and
illustrated on two different canal pools.
Citation: Xavier Litrico, Vincent Fromion. Modal decomposition of linearized open channel flow[J]. Networks and Heterogeneous Media, 2009, 4(2): 325-357. doi: 10.3934/nhm.2009.4.325
Open channel flow is traditionally modeled as an hyperbolic system of conservation laws,
which is an infinite dimensional system with complex dynamics. We consider in this paper
an open channel represented by the Saint-Venant equations linearized around a non uniform
steady flow regime. We use a frequency domain approach to fully characterize the open
channel flow dynamics. The use of the Laplace transform enables us to derive the
distributed transfer matrix, linking the boundary inputs to the state of the system. The
poles of the system are then computed analytically, and each transfer function is
decomposed in a series of eigenfunctions, where the influence of space and time variables
can be decoupled. As a result, we can express the time-domain response of the whole canal
pool to boundary inputs in terms of discharges. This study is first done in the uniform
case, and finally extended to the non uniform case. The solution is studied and
illustrated on two different canal pools.