The paper deals with some extensions of the Keller-Dykhneduality relations arising in the classical homogenization of two-dimensional uniformly bounded conductivities, to the case of high-contrast conductivities. Only assuming a $L^1$-bound on the conductivity we prove that the conductivity and its dual converge respectively, in a suitable sense, to the homogenized conductivity and its dual. In the periodic case a similar duality result is obtained under a less restrictive assumption.
Citation: Marc Briane, David Manceau. Duality results in the homogenization of two-dimensional high-contrast conductivities[J]. Networks and Heterogeneous Media, 2008, 3(3): 509-522. doi: 10.3934/nhm.2008.3.509
The paper deals with some extensions of the Keller-Dykhneduality relations arising in the classical homogenization of two-dimensional uniformly bounded conductivities, to the case of high-contrast conductivities. Only assuming a $L^1$-bound on the conductivity we prove that the conductivity and its dual converge respectively, in a suitable sense, to the homogenized conductivity and its dual. In the periodic case a similar duality result is obtained under a less restrictive assumption.