Research article

Low-dose sinogram restoration enabled by conditional GAN with cross-domain regularization in SPECT imaging

  • Received: 04 December 2022 Revised: 26 February 2023 Accepted: 12 March 2023 Published: 24 March 2023
  • In order to generate high-quality single-photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) images under low-dose acquisition mode, a sinogram denoising method was studied for suppressing random oscillation and enhancing contrast in the projection domain. A conditional generative adversarial network with cross-domain regularization (CGAN-CDR) is proposed for low-dose SPECT sinogram restoration. The generator stepwise extracts multiscale sinusoidal features from a low-dose sinogram, which are then rebuilt into a restored sinogram. Long skip connections are introduced into the generator, so that the low-level features can be better shared and reused, and the spatial and angular sinogram information can be better recovered. A patch discriminator is employed to capture detailed sinusoidal features within sinogram patches; thereby, detailed features in local receptive fields can be effectively characterized. Meanwhile, a cross-domain regularization is developed in both the projection and image domains. Projection-domain regularization directly constrains the generator via penalizing the difference between generated and label sinograms. Image-domain regularization imposes a similarity constraint on the reconstructed images, which can ameliorate the issue of ill-posedness and serves as an indirect constraint on the generator. By adversarial learning, the CGAN-CDR model can achieve high-quality sinogram restoration. Finally, the preconditioned alternating projection algorithm with total variation regularization is adopted for image reconstruction. Extensive numerical experiments show that the proposed model exhibits good performance in low-dose sinogram restoration. From visual analysis, CGAN-CDR performs well in terms of noise and artifact suppression, contrast enhancement and structure preservation, particularly in low-contrast regions. From quantitative analysis, CGAN-CDR has obtained superior results in both global and local image quality metrics. From robustness analysis, CGAN-CDR can better recover the detailed bone structure of the reconstructed image for a higher-noise sinogram. This work demonstrates the feasibility and effectiveness of CGAN-CDR in low-dose SPECT sinogram restoration. CGAN-CDR can yield significant quality improvement in both projection and image domains, which enables potential applications of the proposed method in real low-dose study.

    Citation: Si Li, Limei Peng, Fenghuan Li, Zengguo Liang. Low-dose sinogram restoration enabled by conditional GAN with cross-domain regularization in SPECT imaging[J]. Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 2023, 20(6): 9728-9758. doi: 10.3934/mbe.2023427

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  • In order to generate high-quality single-photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) images under low-dose acquisition mode, a sinogram denoising method was studied for suppressing random oscillation and enhancing contrast in the projection domain. A conditional generative adversarial network with cross-domain regularization (CGAN-CDR) is proposed for low-dose SPECT sinogram restoration. The generator stepwise extracts multiscale sinusoidal features from a low-dose sinogram, which are then rebuilt into a restored sinogram. Long skip connections are introduced into the generator, so that the low-level features can be better shared and reused, and the spatial and angular sinogram information can be better recovered. A patch discriminator is employed to capture detailed sinusoidal features within sinogram patches; thereby, detailed features in local receptive fields can be effectively characterized. Meanwhile, a cross-domain regularization is developed in both the projection and image domains. Projection-domain regularization directly constrains the generator via penalizing the difference between generated and label sinograms. Image-domain regularization imposes a similarity constraint on the reconstructed images, which can ameliorate the issue of ill-posedness and serves as an indirect constraint on the generator. By adversarial learning, the CGAN-CDR model can achieve high-quality sinogram restoration. Finally, the preconditioned alternating projection algorithm with total variation regularization is adopted for image reconstruction. Extensive numerical experiments show that the proposed model exhibits good performance in low-dose sinogram restoration. From visual analysis, CGAN-CDR performs well in terms of noise and artifact suppression, contrast enhancement and structure preservation, particularly in low-contrast regions. From quantitative analysis, CGAN-CDR has obtained superior results in both global and local image quality metrics. From robustness analysis, CGAN-CDR can better recover the detailed bone structure of the reconstructed image for a higher-noise sinogram. This work demonstrates the feasibility and effectiveness of CGAN-CDR in low-dose SPECT sinogram restoration. CGAN-CDR can yield significant quality improvement in both projection and image domains, which enables potential applications of the proposed method in real low-dose study.


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