Research article Special Issues

Design of generalized fault diagnosis observer and active adaptive fault tolerant controller for aircraft control system

  • Received: 08 December 2021 Revised: 21 February 2022 Accepted: 07 March 2022 Published: 30 March 2022
  • This study aims to design a generalized fault diagnosis observer (GFDO) and an active fault tolerant control system (AFTCS) for external disturbances based on an aircraft control system and actuator faults. Unlike the traditional approach that assumes external disturbances are norm bounded, the Gronwall Lemma based on the external disturbances constraint condition is modelled to satisfy the system stability. Then, the GFDO is designed by two performance indices defined to simultaneously estimate system states and faults. In addition, the AFTCS is designed to obtain the desired performances in the fault case. When the fault is diagnosed by GFDO, the regular controller switches to AFTCS. Finally, an analysis of the performance of the proposed algorithm is discussed based on simulations of the F-18 aircraft control system, which illustrates the effectiveness and applicability of this method.

    Citation: Rong Sun, Yuntao Han, Yingying Wang. Design of generalized fault diagnosis observer and active adaptive fault tolerant controller for aircraft control system[J]. Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 2022, 19(6): 5591-5609. doi: 10.3934/mbe.2022262

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