Research article

Modelling of a seasonally perturbed competitive three species impulsive system

  • Received: 15 November 2021 Revised: 21 December 2022 Accepted: 04 January 2022 Published: 21 January 2022
  • The population of biological species in the ecosystem is known sensitive to the periodic fluctuations of seasonal change, food resources and climatic conditions. Research in the ecological management discipline conventionally models the behavior of such dynamic systems through specific impulsive response functions, but the results of such research are applicable only when the environments conform exactly to the conditions as defined by the specific response functions that have been implemented for specific scenarios. This means that the application of previous work may be somewhat limited. Moreover, the intra and inter competitions among species have been seldom studied for modelling the prey-predator ecosystem. To fill in the gaps this paper models the delicate balance of two-prey and one-predator system by addressing three main areas of: ⅰ) instead of using the specific impulse response this work models the ecosystem through a more general response function; ⅱ) to include the effects due to the competition between species and ⅲ) the system is subjected to the influences of seasonal factors. The seasonal factor has been implemented here in terms of periodic functions to represent the growth rates of predators. The sufficient condition for the local and global asymptotic stability of the prey-free periodic solution and the permanence of the system have been subsequently obtained by using the Comparison techniques and the Floquet theorems. Finally, the correctness of developed theories is verified by numerical simulation, and the corresponding biological explanation is given.

    Citation: Jie Hu, Juan Liu, Peter Yuen, Fuzhong Li, Linqiang Deng. Modelling of a seasonally perturbed competitive three species impulsive system[J]. Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 2022, 19(3): 3223-3241. doi: 10.3934/mbe.2022149

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  • The population of biological species in the ecosystem is known sensitive to the periodic fluctuations of seasonal change, food resources and climatic conditions. Research in the ecological management discipline conventionally models the behavior of such dynamic systems through specific impulsive response functions, but the results of such research are applicable only when the environments conform exactly to the conditions as defined by the specific response functions that have been implemented for specific scenarios. This means that the application of previous work may be somewhat limited. Moreover, the intra and inter competitions among species have been seldom studied for modelling the prey-predator ecosystem. To fill in the gaps this paper models the delicate balance of two-prey and one-predator system by addressing three main areas of: ⅰ) instead of using the specific impulse response this work models the ecosystem through a more general response function; ⅱ) to include the effects due to the competition between species and ⅲ) the system is subjected to the influences of seasonal factors. The seasonal factor has been implemented here in terms of periodic functions to represent the growth rates of predators. The sufficient condition for the local and global asymptotic stability of the prey-free periodic solution and the permanence of the system have been subsequently obtained by using the Comparison techniques and the Floquet theorems. Finally, the correctness of developed theories is verified by numerical simulation, and the corresponding biological explanation is given.


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