Research article Special Issues

Synchronization of the neurons coupled with sequential developing electrical and chemical synapses

  • Received: 30 October 2021 Accepted: 09 December 2021 Published: 20 December 2021
  • There is some evidence representing the sequential formation and elimination of electrical and chemical synapses in particular brain regions. Relying on this feature, this paper presents a purely mathematical modeling study on the synchronization among neurons connected by transient electrical synapses transformed to chemical synapses over time. This deletion and development of synapses are considered consecutive. The results represent that the transient synapses lead to burst synchronization of the neurons while the neurons are resting when both synapses exist constantly. The period of the transitions and also the time of presence of electrical synapses to chemical ones are effective on the synchronization. The larger synchronization error is obtained by increasing the transition period and the time of chemical synapses' existence.

    Citation: Zhen Wang, Ramesh Ramamoorthy, Xiaojian Xi, Hamidreza Namazi. Synchronization of the neurons coupled with sequential developing electrical and chemical synapses[J]. Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 2022, 19(2): 1877-1890. doi: 10.3934/mbe.2022088

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  • There is some evidence representing the sequential formation and elimination of electrical and chemical synapses in particular brain regions. Relying on this feature, this paper presents a purely mathematical modeling study on the synchronization among neurons connected by transient electrical synapses transformed to chemical synapses over time. This deletion and development of synapses are considered consecutive. The results represent that the transient synapses lead to burst synchronization of the neurons while the neurons are resting when both synapses exist constantly. The period of the transitions and also the time of presence of electrical synapses to chemical ones are effective on the synchronization. The larger synchronization error is obtained by increasing the transition period and the time of chemical synapses' existence.


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