Research article Special Issues

A visually secure image encryption method based on integer wavelet transform and rhombus prediction

  • Received: 25 October 2020 Accepted: 28 January 2021 Published: 07 February 2021
  • Traditional image encryption technology usually encrypts a normal image into a noise matrix, which can protect the image in a certain extent, but noise appearance is easy to arouse the suspicion of attackers. To avoid this problem, a method of encrypting image into carrier image with visual meaning is proposed. Inspired by the existing visually secure encryption technique, we proposed an improved method based on the integer wavelet transform (IWT) and prediction scheme. The secret image is hidden in the high frequency coefficients of IWT to achieve good invisibility, and prediction error are used to replace the pixels of the carrier image to improve the final image quality. Experimental results and analysis show that the quality of the encrypted image is 3.5 dB better than that of the previous ones.

    Citation: Xianyi Chen, Mengling Zou, Bin Yang, Zhenli Wang, Nannan Wu, Lili Qi. A visually secure image encryption method based on integer wavelet transform and rhombus prediction[J]. Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 2021, 18(2): 1722-1739. doi: 10.3934/mbe.2021089

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  • Traditional image encryption technology usually encrypts a normal image into a noise matrix, which can protect the image in a certain extent, but noise appearance is easy to arouse the suspicion of attackers. To avoid this problem, a method of encrypting image into carrier image with visual meaning is proposed. Inspired by the existing visually secure encryption technique, we proposed an improved method based on the integer wavelet transform (IWT) and prediction scheme. The secret image is hidden in the high frequency coefficients of IWT to achieve good invisibility, and prediction error are used to replace the pixels of the carrier image to improve the final image quality. Experimental results and analysis show that the quality of the encrypted image is 3.5 dB better than that of the previous ones.


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