Research article Special Issues

A mathematical model of the four cardinal acid-base disorders

  • Received: 14 February 2020 Accepted: 15 June 2020 Published: 23 June 2020
  • Precise maintenance of acid-base homeostasis is fundamental for optimal functioning of physiological and cellular processes. The presence of an acid-base disturbance can affect clinical outcomes and is usually caused by an underlying disease. It is, therefore, important to assess the acid-base status of patients, and the extent to which various therapeutic treatments are effective in controlling these acid-base alterations. In this paper, we develop a dynamic model of the physiological regulation of an HCO3-/CO2 buffering system, an abundant and powerful buffering system, using Henderson-Hasselbalch kinetics. We simulate the normal physiological state and four cardinal acidbase disorders: Metabolic acidosis and alkalosis and respiratory acidosis and alkalosis. We show that the model accurately predicts serum pH over a range of clinical conditions. In addition to qualitative validation, we compare the in silico results with clinical data on acid-base homeostasis and alterations, finding clear relationships between primary acid-base disturbances and the secondary adaptive compensatory responses. We also show that the predicted primary disturbances accurately resemble clinically observed compensatory responses. Furthermore, via sensitivity analysis, key parameters were identified which could be the most effective in regulating systemic pH in healthy individuals, and those with chronic kidney disease and distal and proximal renal tubular acidosis. The model presented here may provide pathophysiologic insights and can serve as a tool to assess the safety and efficacy of different therapeutic interventions to control or correct acid-base disorders.

    Citation: Alhaji Cherif, Vaibhav Maheshwari, Doris Fuertinger, Gudrun Schappacher-Tilp, Priscila Preciado, David Bushinsky, Stephan Thijssen, Peter Kotanko. A mathematical model of the four cardinal acid-base disorders[J]. Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 2020, 17(5): 4457-4476. doi: 10.3934/mbe.2020246

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  • Precise maintenance of acid-base homeostasis is fundamental for optimal functioning of physiological and cellular processes. The presence of an acid-base disturbance can affect clinical outcomes and is usually caused by an underlying disease. It is, therefore, important to assess the acid-base status of patients, and the extent to which various therapeutic treatments are effective in controlling these acid-base alterations. In this paper, we develop a dynamic model of the physiological regulation of an HCO3-/CO2 buffering system, an abundant and powerful buffering system, using Henderson-Hasselbalch kinetics. We simulate the normal physiological state and four cardinal acidbase disorders: Metabolic acidosis and alkalosis and respiratory acidosis and alkalosis. We show that the model accurately predicts serum pH over a range of clinical conditions. In addition to qualitative validation, we compare the in silico results with clinical data on acid-base homeostasis and alterations, finding clear relationships between primary acid-base disturbances and the secondary adaptive compensatory responses. We also show that the predicted primary disturbances accurately resemble clinically observed compensatory responses. Furthermore, via sensitivity analysis, key parameters were identified which could be the most effective in regulating systemic pH in healthy individuals, and those with chronic kidney disease and distal and proximal renal tubular acidosis. The model presented here may provide pathophysiologic insights and can serve as a tool to assess the safety and efficacy of different therapeutic interventions to control or correct acid-base disorders.


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