Research article

Admissible interval-valued monotone comparative statics methods applied in games with strategic complements

  • Received: 13 June 2024 Revised: 03 February 2025 Accepted: 06 February 2025 Published: 19 February 2025
  • MSC : 90C, 91A, 91B

  • In many theories and applications with uncertainty, using intervals to characterize uncertainty is simple and operable. It is crucial to choose a proper order for an interval method. In general, a total order is superior to a partial order for those applications in which we have to make a final decision. Motivated by this idea, we generalized interval-valued monotone comparative statics (MCS) with a partial order to interval-valued MCS with a total order, to be more precise, with an admissible order. The generalization was not trival. We obtained a necessary and sufficient condition for MCS by a series of new concepts such as an interval-valued quasi-super-modular function and an interval-valued single crossing property with an admissible order. The same condition was only sufficient in the existing literature. Furthermore, we illustrated the efficiency of the interval-valued MCS with the lexicographical orders and XY-order, which are well-known admissible orders. Finally, we applied our results in interval games with strategic complements to get the monotonity of the best response correspondence for player $ i $.

    Citation: Xiaojue Ma, Chang Zhou, Lifeng Li, Jianke Zhang. Admissible interval-valued monotone comparative statics methods applied in games with strategic complements[J]. AIMS Mathematics, 2025, 10(2): 3160-3179. doi: 10.3934/math.2025146

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  • In many theories and applications with uncertainty, using intervals to characterize uncertainty is simple and operable. It is crucial to choose a proper order for an interval method. In general, a total order is superior to a partial order for those applications in which we have to make a final decision. Motivated by this idea, we generalized interval-valued monotone comparative statics (MCS) with a partial order to interval-valued MCS with a total order, to be more precise, with an admissible order. The generalization was not trival. We obtained a necessary and sufficient condition for MCS by a series of new concepts such as an interval-valued quasi-super-modular function and an interval-valued single crossing property with an admissible order. The same condition was only sufficient in the existing literature. Furthermore, we illustrated the efficiency of the interval-valued MCS with the lexicographical orders and XY-order, which are well-known admissible orders. Finally, we applied our results in interval games with strategic complements to get the monotonity of the best response correspondence for player $ i $.


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