Research article

Blow-up of solutions for coupled wave equations with damping terms and derivative nonlinearities

  • Received: 06 August 2024 Revised: 30 August 2024 Accepted: 03 September 2024 Published: 14 September 2024
  • MSC : 35L15, 35L70

  • This work was concerned with the weakly coupled system of semi-linear wave equations with time dependent speeds of propagation, damping terms, and derivative nonlinear terms in generalized Einstein-de Sitter space-time on $ \mathbb{R}^n $. Under certain assumptions about the indexes $ k_1, \, k_2 $, coefficients $ \mu_1, \, \mu_2 $, and nonlinearity exponents $ p, \, q $, applying the iteration technique, finite time blow-up of local solutions to the small initial value problem of the coupled system was investigated. Blow-up region and upper bound lifespan estimate of solutions to the problem were established. Compared with blow-up results in the previous literature, the new ingredient relied on that the blow-up region of solutions obtained in this work varies due to the influence of coefficients $ k_1, \, k_2 $.

    Citation: Sen Ming, Xiaodong Wang, Xiongmei Fan, Xiao Wu. Blow-up of solutions for coupled wave equations with damping terms and derivative nonlinearities[J]. AIMS Mathematics, 2024, 9(10): 26854-26876. doi: 10.3934/math.20241307

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  • This work was concerned with the weakly coupled system of semi-linear wave equations with time dependent speeds of propagation, damping terms, and derivative nonlinear terms in generalized Einstein-de Sitter space-time on $ \mathbb{R}^n $. Under certain assumptions about the indexes $ k_1, \, k_2 $, coefficients $ \mu_1, \, \mu_2 $, and nonlinearity exponents $ p, \, q $, applying the iteration technique, finite time blow-up of local solutions to the small initial value problem of the coupled system was investigated. Blow-up region and upper bound lifespan estimate of solutions to the problem were established. Compared with blow-up results in the previous literature, the new ingredient relied on that the blow-up region of solutions obtained in this work varies due to the influence of coefficients $ k_1, \, k_2 $.


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