Research article

Asymptotic stability of a quasi-linear viscoelastic Kirchhoff plate equation with logarithmic source and time delay

  • Received: 07 June 2023 Revised: 18 July 2023 Accepted: 28 July 2023 Published: 09 August 2023
  • MSC : 35B40, 93D15, 93D20

  • In this paper, a quasi-linear viscoelastic Kirchhoff plate equation with logarithmic source and time delay involving free boundary conditions in a bounded domain is considered. The local existence and global existence are proved, respectively. Under the assumptions on a more general type of relaxation functions and suitable conditions on the coefficients between damping term and delay term, an explicit and general decay rate result is established by using the multiplier method and some properties of the convex functions. As the considered assumption here on the kernel is more general than earlier papers, our result improves and generalizes earlier result in the literature.

    Citation: Zayd Hajjej, Sun-Hye Park. Asymptotic stability of a quasi-linear viscoelastic Kirchhoff plate equation with logarithmic source and time delay[J]. AIMS Mathematics, 2023, 8(10): 24087-24115. doi: 10.3934/math.20231228

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  • In this paper, a quasi-linear viscoelastic Kirchhoff plate equation with logarithmic source and time delay involving free boundary conditions in a bounded domain is considered. The local existence and global existence are proved, respectively. Under the assumptions on a more general type of relaxation functions and suitable conditions on the coefficients between damping term and delay term, an explicit and general decay rate result is established by using the multiplier method and some properties of the convex functions. As the considered assumption here on the kernel is more general than earlier papers, our result improves and generalizes earlier result in the literature.


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