Research article

Decision support system based on complex T-Spherical fuzzy power aggregation operators

  • Received: 21 February 2022 Revised: 09 June 2022 Accepted: 22 June 2022 Published: 01 July 2022
  • MSC : 03E72, 47S40

  • The goal of this research is to develop many aggregation operators for aggregating various complex T-Spherical fuzzy sets (CT-SFSs). Existing fuzzy set theory and its extensions, which are a subset of real numbers, handle the uncertainties in the data, but they may lose some useful information and so affect the decision results. Complex Spherical fuzzy sets handle two-dimensional information in a single set by covering uncertainty with degrees whose ranges are extended from the real subset to the complex subset with unit disk. Thus, motivated by this concept, we developed certain CT-SFS operation laws and then proposed a series of novel averaging and geometric power aggregation operators. The properties of some of these operators are investigated. A multi-criteria group decision-making approach is also developed using these operators. The method's utility is demonstrated with an example of how to choose the best choices, which is then tested by comparing the results to those of other approaches.

    Citation: Muhammad Qiyas, Muhammad Naeem, Saleem Abdullah, Neelam Khan. Decision support system based on complex T-Spherical fuzzy power aggregation operators[J]. AIMS Mathematics, 2022, 7(9): 16171-16207. doi: 10.3934/math.2022884

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  • The goal of this research is to develop many aggregation operators for aggregating various complex T-Spherical fuzzy sets (CT-SFSs). Existing fuzzy set theory and its extensions, which are a subset of real numbers, handle the uncertainties in the data, but they may lose some useful information and so affect the decision results. Complex Spherical fuzzy sets handle two-dimensional information in a single set by covering uncertainty with degrees whose ranges are extended from the real subset to the complex subset with unit disk. Thus, motivated by this concept, we developed certain CT-SFS operation laws and then proposed a series of novel averaging and geometric power aggregation operators. The properties of some of these operators are investigated. A multi-criteria group decision-making approach is also developed using these operators. The method's utility is demonstrated with an example of how to choose the best choices, which is then tested by comparing the results to those of other approaches.


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