Research article Special Issues

Some integral inequalities in interval fractional calculus for left and right coordinated interval-valued functions

  • Received: 23 January 2022 Revised: 23 February 2022 Accepted: 11 March 2022 Published: 28 March 2022
  • MSC : Primary 26A33, 26A51, 26D07, 26D10; Secondary 26D15, 26D20

  • Integral inequalities play a crucial role in both theoretical and applied mathematics. Because of the relevance of these notions, we have discussed a new class of introduced generalized convex function called as coordinated left and right convex interval-valued function (coordinated LR-convex IVF) using the pseudo-order relation ($ {\le }_{p} $). On interval space, this order relation is defined. First, a pseudo-order relation is used to show Hermite-Hadamard type inequality (HH type inequality) for coordinated LR-convex IVF. Second for coordinated LR-convex IVF, Some HH type inequalities are also derived for the product of two coordinated LR-convex IVFs. Furthermore, we have demonstrated that our conclusions cover a broad range of new and well-known inequalities for coordinated LR-convex IVFs and their variant forms as special instances which are defined by Zhao et al. and Budak et al. Finally, we have shown that the inclusion relation "$ \supseteq $" confidents to the pseudo-order relation "$ {\le }_{p} $" for coordinated LR-convex IVFs. The concepts and methodologies presented in this study might serve as a springboard for additional research in this field, as well as a tool for investigating probability and optimization research, among other things.

    Citation: Muhammad Bilal Khan, Hatim Ghazi Zaini, Jorge E. Macías-Díaz, Savin Treanțǎ, Mohamed S. Soliman. Some integral inequalities in interval fractional calculus for left and right coordinated interval-valued functions[J]. AIMS Mathematics, 2022, 7(6): 10454-10482. doi: 10.3934/math.2022583

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  • Integral inequalities play a crucial role in both theoretical and applied mathematics. Because of the relevance of these notions, we have discussed a new class of introduced generalized convex function called as coordinated left and right convex interval-valued function (coordinated LR-convex IVF) using the pseudo-order relation ($ {\le }_{p} $). On interval space, this order relation is defined. First, a pseudo-order relation is used to show Hermite-Hadamard type inequality (HH type inequality) for coordinated LR-convex IVF. Second for coordinated LR-convex IVF, Some HH type inequalities are also derived for the product of two coordinated LR-convex IVFs. Furthermore, we have demonstrated that our conclusions cover a broad range of new and well-known inequalities for coordinated LR-convex IVFs and their variant forms as special instances which are defined by Zhao et al. and Budak et al. Finally, we have shown that the inclusion relation "$ \supseteq $" confidents to the pseudo-order relation "$ {\le }_{p} $" for coordinated LR-convex IVFs. The concepts and methodologies presented in this study might serve as a springboard for additional research in this field, as well as a tool for investigating probability and optimization research, among other things.


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