Research article

Further results on stability analysis of time-varying delay systems via novel integral inequalities and improved Lyapunov-Krasovskii functionals

  • Received: 26 July 2021 Accepted: 28 October 2021 Published: 03 November 2021
  • MSC : 34D20, 34E05

  • This work develops some novel approaches to investigate the stability analysis issue of linear systems with time-varying delays. Compared with the existing results, we give three innovation points which can lead to less conservative stability results. Firstly, two novel integral inequalities are developed to deal with the single integral terms with delay-dependent matrix. Secondly, a novel Lyapunov-Krasovskii functional with time-varying delay dependent matrix, rather than constant matrix is constructed. Thirdly, two improved stability criteria are established by applying the newly developed Lyapunov-Krasovskii functional and integral inequalities. Finally, three numerical examples are presented to validate the superiority of the proposed method.

    Citation: Xingyue Liu, Kaibo Shi. Further results on stability analysis of time-varying delay systems via novel integral inequalities and improved Lyapunov-Krasovskii functionals[J]. AIMS Mathematics, 2022, 7(2): 1873-1895. doi: 10.3934/math.2022108

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  • This work develops some novel approaches to investigate the stability analysis issue of linear systems with time-varying delays. Compared with the existing results, we give three innovation points which can lead to less conservative stability results. Firstly, two novel integral inequalities are developed to deal with the single integral terms with delay-dependent matrix. Secondly, a novel Lyapunov-Krasovskii functional with time-varying delay dependent matrix, rather than constant matrix is constructed. Thirdly, two improved stability criteria are established by applying the newly developed Lyapunov-Krasovskii functional and integral inequalities. Finally, three numerical examples are presented to validate the superiority of the proposed method.


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