Research article

On Dirac operator with boundary and transmission conditions depending Herglotz-Nevanlinna type function

  • Received: 27 May 2020 Accepted: 11 January 2021 Published: 25 January 2021
  • MSC : 34A55, 34B24, 34L05

  • In this paper, an inverse problem is considered for Dirac equations with boundary and transmission conditions eigenvalue depending as rational function of Herglotz-Nevanlinna. We give some spectral properties of the problem and also it is shown that the coefficients of the problem are uniquely determined by Weyl function and by classical spectral data made up of eigenvalues and norming constants.

    Citation: Yalçın Güldü, Ebru Mişe. On Dirac operator with boundary and transmission conditions depending Herglotz-Nevanlinna type function[J]. AIMS Mathematics, 2021, 6(4): 3686-3702. doi: 10.3934/math.2021219

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  • In this paper, an inverse problem is considered for Dirac equations with boundary and transmission conditions eigenvalue depending as rational function of Herglotz-Nevanlinna. We give some spectral properties of the problem and also it is shown that the coefficients of the problem are uniquely determined by Weyl function and by classical spectral data made up of eigenvalues and norming constants.


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