Research article

Water resources management versus the world

  • Received: 06 September 2021 Accepted: 01 November 2021 Published: 03 November 2021
  • Effective water resources management and water availability are under threat from multiple sources, including population growth, continuing urbanisation, and climate change. In this context, current water resources management requires a conceptual rethink, which is lacking in the urban water resources management literature. This paper addresses this gap by rethinking urban water resources management from a water-centric perspective. The paper discusses a conceptual rethinking of water resources management towards a water-centric water resources management system underpinned through combining nature-based solutions (NBS), green infrastructure, and water soft path approaches. It is concluded that through adopting a blend of NBS, green infrastructure, and water soft paths, a water-centric water resources management approach focused on achieving sustainable water availability can be developed. It is further concluded that in transitioning to a water-centric focused water resources management approach, water needs to be acknowledged as a key stakeholder in relation to guiding a transition to an effective holistic catchment-wide water-centric water resources management system focused on achieving sustainable water availability.

    Citation: John Greenway. Water resources management versus the world[J]. AIMS Geosciences, 2021, 7(4): 589-604. doi: 10.3934/geosci.2021035

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  • Effective water resources management and water availability are under threat from multiple sources, including population growth, continuing urbanisation, and climate change. In this context, current water resources management requires a conceptual rethink, which is lacking in the urban water resources management literature. This paper addresses this gap by rethinking urban water resources management from a water-centric perspective. The paper discusses a conceptual rethinking of water resources management towards a water-centric water resources management system underpinned through combining nature-based solutions (NBS), green infrastructure, and water soft path approaches. It is concluded that through adopting a blend of NBS, green infrastructure, and water soft paths, a water-centric water resources management approach focused on achieving sustainable water availability can be developed. It is further concluded that in transitioning to a water-centric focused water resources management approach, water needs to be acknowledged as a key stakeholder in relation to guiding a transition to an effective holistic catchment-wide water-centric water resources management system focused on achieving sustainable water availability.


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