Research article

Corporate social responsibility toward employees and green innovation: Exploring the link in the tourism sector

  • Received: 03 April 2023 Revised: 15 June 2023 Accepted: 21 June 2023 Published: 29 June 2023
  • JEL Codes: O15, M14, M54

  • In recent years, the concept of corporate social responsibility toward employees (CSRE) has gained increasing importance, both in academic research and in managerial practice. This concept includes those human resource policies aimed at improving employee satisfaction. In this paper, we build on previous research on CSRE by examining its relationship with organizational learning capability (OLC). In addition, to shed light on the link between CSRE and OLC, we introduce explanatory variables such as organizational commitment. In turn, we analyze if OLC may simultaneously increase green innovation (GI). These relationships were tested using structural equation modeling on a sample of 300 companies in the tourism sector. Results confirm that organizational commitment mediates the relationship between CSRE and OLC, and this in turn positively affects GI. These findings uncover an unexplored route to create more sustainable business through organizational behaviors and attitudes promoted by CSRE.

    Citation: Jacob Guinot, Zina Barghouti, Inmaculada Beltrán-Martín, Ricardo Chiva. 2023: Corporate social responsibility toward employees and green innovation: Exploring the link in the tourism sector, Green Finance, 5(2): 298-320. doi: 10.3934/GF.2023012

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  • In recent years, the concept of corporate social responsibility toward employees (CSRE) has gained increasing importance, both in academic research and in managerial practice. This concept includes those human resource policies aimed at improving employee satisfaction. In this paper, we build on previous research on CSRE by examining its relationship with organizational learning capability (OLC). In addition, to shed light on the link between CSRE and OLC, we introduce explanatory variables such as organizational commitment. In turn, we analyze if OLC may simultaneously increase green innovation (GI). These relationships were tested using structural equation modeling on a sample of 300 companies in the tourism sector. Results confirm that organizational commitment mediates the relationship between CSRE and OLC, and this in turn positively affects GI. These findings uncover an unexplored route to create more sustainable business through organizational behaviors and attitudes promoted by CSRE.


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