Research article

Free choice profiling sensory analysis to discriminate coffees

  • Received: 26 October 2016 Accepted: 21 December 2016 Published: 26 December 2016
  • Sensory attributes were evaluated from Arabica coffee genotypes growing in two places in Brazil, Mandaguari and Londrina. Post-harvest and roasted process was standardized. Free choice profiling sensory analysis was apply to investigate the influence of genetic variability and local cultivation (Londrina and Mandaguari, Brazil) on the sensory characteristics of coffee genotypes. A sensory panel evaluated coffees from Mandaguari in two groups: one (Sarchimor derived, IPR100, IPR102, IPR105, IPR106) characterized by transparency, coffee colour, green aroma, taste (green, bitter, fermented, astringent) and a watery texture, another group (Catuaí, Sarchimor derived, IPR101, IPR103) was characterized by coffee colour, brightness, aroma (coffee, acid, sweet, chocolate), acidity, bitterness, burnt aroma, sweetness and full-bodied. Coffees from Londrina presented brightness, coffee colour, sweet, green, burnt aroma, astringent, bitter, fermented, green taste; and watery texture (Catuaí, IPR97, IPR98, IPR100). Another group (Sarchimor derived, IPR101, IPR102, IPR103, IPR105, IPR106) were associated with turbidity, aroma (green, coffee, sweet), acidity, astringency, bitterness, sweetness and full-bodied. Catuaí, Iapar59, IPR99, IPR101, IPR103 and IPR108 exhibited positive attributes when grown in either locale. Edaphoclimatic conditions play a major role in the sensory profiles of coffee.

    Citation: Cíntia Sorane Good Kitzberger, Maria Brígida dos Santos Scholz, João Batista Gonçalves Dias da Silva, Marta de Toledo Benassi, Luiz Filipe Protasio Pereira. Free choice profiling sensory analysis to discriminate coffees[J]. AIMS Agriculture and Food, 2016, 1(4): 455-469. doi: 10.3934/agrfood.2016.4.455

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  • Sensory attributes were evaluated from Arabica coffee genotypes growing in two places in Brazil, Mandaguari and Londrina. Post-harvest and roasted process was standardized. Free choice profiling sensory analysis was apply to investigate the influence of genetic variability and local cultivation (Londrina and Mandaguari, Brazil) on the sensory characteristics of coffee genotypes. A sensory panel evaluated coffees from Mandaguari in two groups: one (Sarchimor derived, IPR100, IPR102, IPR105, IPR106) characterized by transparency, coffee colour, green aroma, taste (green, bitter, fermented, astringent) and a watery texture, another group (Catuaí, Sarchimor derived, IPR101, IPR103) was characterized by coffee colour, brightness, aroma (coffee, acid, sweet, chocolate), acidity, bitterness, burnt aroma, sweetness and full-bodied. Coffees from Londrina presented brightness, coffee colour, sweet, green, burnt aroma, astringent, bitter, fermented, green taste; and watery texture (Catuaí, IPR97, IPR98, IPR100). Another group (Sarchimor derived, IPR101, IPR102, IPR103, IPR105, IPR106) were associated with turbidity, aroma (green, coffee, sweet), acidity, astringency, bitterness, sweetness and full-bodied. Catuaí, Iapar59, IPR99, IPR101, IPR103 and IPR108 exhibited positive attributes when grown in either locale. Edaphoclimatic conditions play a major role in the sensory profiles of coffee.

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