Research article

Fast non-uniform Fourier transform based regularization for sparse-view large-size CT reconstruction

  • Received: 01 April 2022 Accepted: 01 May 2022 Published: 16 June 2022
  • Spare-view CT imaging is advantageous to decrease the radiation exposure, acquisition time and computational cost, but suffers from severe streak noise in reconstruction if the classical filter back projection method is employed. Although a few compressed sensing based algorithms have recently been proposed to remedy the insufficiency of projections and have achieved remarkable improvement in reconstruction quality, they face computational challenges for large-scale CT images (e.g., larger than 2000℅2000 pixels). In this paper, we present a fast non-uniform Fourier transform based reconstruction method, targeting at under-sampling high resolution Synchrotron-based micro-CT imaging. The proposed method manipulates the Fourier slice theorem to avoid the involvement of large-scale system matrices, and the reconstruction process is performed in the Fourier domain. With a total variation penalty term, the proposed method can be formulated into an unconstrained minimization problem, which is able to be efficiently solved by the limited-memory BFGS algorithm. Moreover, direct non-uniform Fourier transform is computationally costly, so the developed NUFFT algorithm is adopted to approximate it with little loss of quality. Numerical simulation is implemented to compare the proposed method with some other competing approaches, and then real data obtained from the Australia Synchrotron facility are tested to demonstrate the practical applications of the proposed approach. In short, the significance of the proposed approach includes (1) that it can handle high-resolution CT images with millions of pixels while several other contemporary methods fail; (2) that it can achieve much better reconstruction quality than other methods when the projections are insufficient.

    Citation: Zhenglin Wang. Fast non-uniform Fourier transform based regularization for sparse-view large-size CT reconstruction[J]. STEM Education, 2022, 2(2): 121-139. doi: 10.3934/steme.2022009

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