Research Article Special Issues

The Health Narratives Research Group (HeNReG): A self-direction process offered to help decrease burnout in public health nurse practitioners

  • Received: 06 October 2023 Revised: 27 January 2024 Accepted: 30 January 2024 Published: 06 February 2024
  • Founded in accordance with 19th century sex roles and public health concerns, nursing evolved as other-directed, dependent on physician-focused diagnosis, prescription decisions, and public health advancements. The result of this other direction is that public health nurse practitioners have endured significant workplace stress resulting in burnout, especially during COVID-19. To help decrease their burnout, nurses require development of self-direction. The Health Narratives Research Group (HeNReG) has the potential to reduce burnout in nurse practitioners by encouraging the development of self-direction. The HeNReG process is presented through historically analyzed documents regarding reducing burnout in health researchers by developing self-direction including: (1) three years of archived year-end feedback results provided by participants, (2) archived participant responses to specific HeNReG-related writing prompts, and (3) a comparison of HeNReG results with the outcomes of resilience programs. The conclusion—the HeNReG offers an effective option for reducing burnout in health researchers that has the potential to decrease nurse practitioner burnout in a way that resilience programs do not. Tailoring the HeNReG process to public health nurses is discussed, inviting future research for reducing burnout in public health nurses.

    Citation: Carol Nash. The Health Narratives Research Group (HeNReG): A self-direction process offered to help decrease burnout in public health nurse practitioners[J]. AIMS Public Health, 2024, 11(1): 176-208. doi: 10.3934/publichealth.2024009

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  • Founded in accordance with 19th century sex roles and public health concerns, nursing evolved as other-directed, dependent on physician-focused diagnosis, prescription decisions, and public health advancements. The result of this other direction is that public health nurse practitioners have endured significant workplace stress resulting in burnout, especially during COVID-19. To help decrease their burnout, nurses require development of self-direction. The Health Narratives Research Group (HeNReG) has the potential to reduce burnout in nurse practitioners by encouraging the development of self-direction. The HeNReG process is presented through historically analyzed documents regarding reducing burnout in health researchers by developing self-direction including: (1) three years of archived year-end feedback results provided by participants, (2) archived participant responses to specific HeNReG-related writing prompts, and (3) a comparison of HeNReG results with the outcomes of resilience programs. The conclusion—the HeNReG offers an effective option for reducing burnout in health researchers that has the potential to decrease nurse practitioner burnout in a way that resilience programs do not. Tailoring the HeNReG process to public health nurses is discussed, inviting future research for reducing burnout in public health nurses.



    The author acknowledges that this research received no external funding.
    The members of the Health Narratives Research Groups of 2016/17, 2017/18, and 2018/19 are thanked for their participation in these groups and for providing their written permission upon joining their group to have their feedback forms and responses to the prompts archived and used for historical analysis in any publication or conference talks of the author.

    Conflict of Interest

    The author declares no conflict of interest.

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