Research article

Health-seeking behavior and waste management practices among women in major urban markets in Owerri, Nigeria

  • Received: 09 November 2019 Accepted: 05 February 2020 Published: 20 March 2020
  • Behavioral patterns on seeking health are pertinent in terms of how waste is managed. However, informal approach towards waste management has led to poor environmental attitude and pernicious health consequences for many Nigerians. Despite plethora of scientific investigation on waste management, there has been paucity of information on health-seeking behavior and waste management practices among market women, hence the need for this research. The study aimed at assessing the health-seeking behavioral pattern of women traders on waste management in major urban markets in Owerri, Nigeria by identifying the extent of their commitment to sustainable waste management practices, investigating health-seeking behaviors that influence their attitude towards waste management and measuring prevalence of waste-related diseases among them. Data collection for the study involved a cross-sectional survey of 739 women trading in three Owerri major urban markets in line with the study's aim. Results show that motivation to manage waste for disease control was effectively predicted by type of trading item (Omnibus Test: χ2 = 13.871, df = 3, p-value = 0.003); Cochran-Armitage tests of trend show that there is no statistically linear trend between the proportions of understanding the 3Rs and the rankings for methods of seeking health; understanding the 3Rs was not determined by health-seeking method as most methods were with motivation to manage waste discordant (4 out 5 health-seeking methods had negative Goodman & Kruskal's G values); PCA on the prevalence of waste-related diseases had a two-component structure which followed acute and chronic dimensions; vegetable and plastics comprised the highest waste streams with plastics being most reused waste type while government is mainly responsible for waste disposal. The study recommends a knowledge transfer approach in entrenching sustainable waste management practices.

    Citation: Cyprian Ezedike, Eudora Ohazurike, Faisal C Emetumah, Okechukwu O Ajaegbu. Health-seeking behavior and waste management practices among women in major urban markets in Owerri, Nigeria[J]. AIMS Public Health, 2020, 7(1): 169-187. doi: 10.3934/publichealth.2020015

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  • Behavioral patterns on seeking health are pertinent in terms of how waste is managed. However, informal approach towards waste management has led to poor environmental attitude and pernicious health consequences for many Nigerians. Despite plethora of scientific investigation on waste management, there has been paucity of information on health-seeking behavior and waste management practices among market women, hence the need for this research. The study aimed at assessing the health-seeking behavioral pattern of women traders on waste management in major urban markets in Owerri, Nigeria by identifying the extent of their commitment to sustainable waste management practices, investigating health-seeking behaviors that influence their attitude towards waste management and measuring prevalence of waste-related diseases among them. Data collection for the study involved a cross-sectional survey of 739 women trading in three Owerri major urban markets in line with the study's aim. Results show that motivation to manage waste for disease control was effectively predicted by type of trading item (Omnibus Test: χ2 = 13.871, df = 3, p-value = 0.003); Cochran-Armitage tests of trend show that there is no statistically linear trend between the proportions of understanding the 3Rs and the rankings for methods of seeking health; understanding the 3Rs was not determined by health-seeking method as most methods were with motivation to manage waste discordant (4 out 5 health-seeking methods had negative Goodman & Kruskal's G values); PCA on the prevalence of waste-related diseases had a two-component structure which followed acute and chronic dimensions; vegetable and plastics comprised the highest waste streams with plastics being most reused waste type while government is mainly responsible for waste disposal. The study recommends a knowledge transfer approach in entrenching sustainable waste management practices.



    This work was approved by Imo State University (IMSU), Owerri research ethics committee and supported by IMSU 2018 IBR-TETFUND research funding program. We would like to acknowledge all market women that participated in the study and also 2018/2019 IMSU students from departments of Sociology and Geography & Environmental Management that participated as field assistants during data collection.

    Conflict of interest

    All authors declare no conflicts of interest in this paper.

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