Asymptotic structure of the spectrum in a Dirichlet-strip with double periodic perforations

  • Received: 01 October 2018 Revised: 01 May 2019
  • Primary: 35B27, 35P05, 47A55, 35J25, 47A10; Secondary: 35P10, 35P15, 47A75

  • We address a spectral problem for the Dirichlet-Laplace operator in a waveguide $ \Pi^ \varepsilon $. $ \Pi^ \varepsilon$ is obtained from repsilon an unbounded two-dimensional strip $ \Pi $ which is periodically perforated by a family of holes, which are also periodically distributed along a line, the so-called "perforation string". We assume that the two periods are different, namely, $ O(1) $ and $ O( \varepsilon) $ respectively, where $ 0< \varepsilon\ll 1 $. We look at the band-gap structure of the spectrum $ \sigma^ \varepsilon $ as $ \varepsilon\to 0 $. We derive asymptotic formulas for the endpoints of the spectral bands and show that $ \sigma^ \varepsilon $ has a large number of short bands of length $ O( \varepsilon) $ which alternate with wide gaps of width $ O(1) $.

    Citation: Sergei A. Nazarov, Rafael Orive-Illera, María-Eugenia Pérez-Martínez. Asymptotic structure of the spectrum in a Dirichlet-strip with double periodic perforations[J]. Networks and Heterogeneous Media, 2019, 14(4): 733-757. doi: 10.3934/nhm.2019029

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  • We address a spectral problem for the Dirichlet-Laplace operator in a waveguide $ \Pi^ \varepsilon $. $ \Pi^ \varepsilon$ is obtained from repsilon an unbounded two-dimensional strip $ \Pi $ which is periodically perforated by a family of holes, which are also periodically distributed along a line, the so-called "perforation string". We assume that the two periods are different, namely, $ O(1) $ and $ O( \varepsilon) $ respectively, where $ 0< \varepsilon\ll 1 $. We look at the band-gap structure of the spectrum $ \sigma^ \varepsilon $ as $ \varepsilon\to 0 $. We derive asymptotic formulas for the endpoints of the spectral bands and show that $ \sigma^ \varepsilon $ has a large number of short bands of length $ O( \varepsilon) $ which alternate with wide gaps of width $ O(1) $.



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