Research article

Applications of the nonlinear Klein/Sinh-Gordon equations in modern physics: a numerical study

  • Received: 27 August 2023 Revised: 18 December 2023 Accepted: 12 January 2024 Published: 12 September 2024
  • In this article, a hybrid numerical scheme based on Lucas and Fibonacci polynomials in combination with Störmer's method for the solution of Klein/Sinh-Gordon equations is proposed. Initially, the problem is transformed to a time-discrete form by using Störmer's technique. Then, with the help of Fibonacci polynomials, we approximate the derivatives of the function. The suggested technique is validated to both one and two-dimensional problems. The resultant findings are compared with existing numerical solutions and presented in a tabular form. The comparison reveals the superior accuracy of the scheme. The numerical convergence of the scheme is computed in each example.

    Citation: Ihteram Ali, Imtiaz Ahmad. Applications of the nonlinear Klein/Sinh-Gordon equations in modern physics: a numerical study[J]. Mathematical Modelling and Control, 2024, 4(3): 361-373. doi: 10.3934/mmc.2024029

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  • In this article, a hybrid numerical scheme based on Lucas and Fibonacci polynomials in combination with Störmer's method for the solution of Klein/Sinh-Gordon equations is proposed. Initially, the problem is transformed to a time-discrete form by using Störmer's technique. Then, with the help of Fibonacci polynomials, we approximate the derivatives of the function. The suggested technique is validated to both one and two-dimensional problems. The resultant findings are compared with existing numerical solutions and presented in a tabular form. The comparison reveals the superior accuracy of the scheme. The numerical convergence of the scheme is computed in each example.


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