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A trajectory planning method for a casting sorting robotic arm based on a nature-inspired Genghis Khan shark optimized algorithm

  • Received: 16 November 2023 Revised: 16 January 2024 Accepted: 19 January 2024 Published: 04 February 2024
  • In order to meet the efficiency and smooth trajectory requirements of the casting sorting robotic arm, we propose a time-optimal trajectory planning method that combines a heuristic algorithm inspired by the behavior of the Genghis Khan shark (GKS) and segmented interpolation polynomials. First, the basic model of the robotic arm was constructed based on the arm parameters, and the workspace is analyzed. A matrix was formed by combining cubic and quintic polynomials using a segmented approach to solve for 14 unknown parameters and plan the trajectory. To enhance the smoothness and efficiency of the trajectory in the joint space, a dynamic nonlinear learning factor was introduced based on the traditional Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) algorithm. Four different biological behaviors, inspired by GKS, were simulated. Within the premise of time optimality, a target function was set to effectively optimize within the feasible space. Simulation and verification were performed after determining the working tasks of the casting sorting robotic arm. The results demonstrated that the optimized robotic arm achieved a smooth and continuous trajectory velocity, while also optimizing the overall runtime within the given constraints. A comparison was made between the traditional PSO algorithm and an improved PSO algorithm, revealing that the improved algorithm exhibited better convergence. Moreover, the planning approach based on GKS behavior showed a decreased likelihood of getting trapped in local optima, thereby confirming the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm.

    Citation: Chengjun Wang, Xingyu Yao, Fan Ding, Zhipeng Yu. A trajectory planning method for a casting sorting robotic arm based on a nature-inspired Genghis Khan shark optimized algorithm[J]. Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 2024, 21(2): 3364-3390. doi: 10.3934/mbe.2024149

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  • In order to meet the efficiency and smooth trajectory requirements of the casting sorting robotic arm, we propose a time-optimal trajectory planning method that combines a heuristic algorithm inspired by the behavior of the Genghis Khan shark (GKS) and segmented interpolation polynomials. First, the basic model of the robotic arm was constructed based on the arm parameters, and the workspace is analyzed. A matrix was formed by combining cubic and quintic polynomials using a segmented approach to solve for 14 unknown parameters and plan the trajectory. To enhance the smoothness and efficiency of the trajectory in the joint space, a dynamic nonlinear learning factor was introduced based on the traditional Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) algorithm. Four different biological behaviors, inspired by GKS, were simulated. Within the premise of time optimality, a target function was set to effectively optimize within the feasible space. Simulation and verification were performed after determining the working tasks of the casting sorting robotic arm. The results demonstrated that the optimized robotic arm achieved a smooth and continuous trajectory velocity, while also optimizing the overall runtime within the given constraints. A comparison was made between the traditional PSO algorithm and an improved PSO algorithm, revealing that the improved algorithm exhibited better convergence. Moreover, the planning approach based on GKS behavior showed a decreased likelihood of getting trapped in local optima, thereby confirming the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm.


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