Research article Special Issues

Audio-visual multi-modality driven hybrid feature learning model for crowd analysis and classification

  • Received: 06 December 2022 Revised: 22 March 2023 Accepted: 23 March 2023 Published: 25 May 2023
  • The high pace emergence in advanced software systems, low-cost hardware and decentralized cloud computing technologies have broadened the horizon for vision-based surveillance, monitoring and control. However, complex and inferior feature learning over visual artefacts or video streams, especially under extreme conditions confine majority of the at-hand vision-based crowd analysis and classification systems. Retrieving event-sensitive or crowd-type sensitive spatio-temporal features for the different crowd types under extreme conditions is a highly complex task. Consequently, it results in lower accuracy and hence low reliability that confines existing methods for real-time crowd analysis. Despite numerous efforts in vision-based approaches, the lack of acoustic cues often creates ambiguity in crowd classification. On the other hand, the strategic amalgamation of audio-visual features can enable accurate and reliable crowd analysis and classification. Considering it as motivation, in this research a novel audio-visual multi-modality driven hybrid feature learning model is developed for crowd analysis and classification. In this work, a hybrid feature extraction model was applied to extract deep spatio-temporal features by using Gray-Level Co-occurrence Metrics (GLCM) and AlexNet transferrable learning model. Once extracting the different GLCM features and AlexNet deep features, horizontal concatenation was done to fuse the different feature sets. Similarly, for acoustic feature extraction, the audio samples (from the input video) were processed for static (fixed size) sampling, pre-emphasis, block framing and Hann windowing, followed by acoustic feature extraction like GTCC, GTCC-Delta, GTCC-Delta-Delta, MFCC, Spectral Entropy, Spectral Flux, Spectral Slope and Harmonics to Noise Ratio (HNR). Finally, the extracted audio-visual features were fused to yield a composite multi-modal feature set, which is processed for classification using the random forest ensemble classifier. The multi-class classification yields a crowd-classification accurac12529y of (98.26%), precision (98.89%), sensitivity (94.82%), specificity (95.57%), and F-Measure of 98.84%. The robustness of the proposed multi-modality-based crowd analysis model confirms its suitability towards real-world crowd detection and classification tasks.

    Citation: H. Y. Swathi, G. Shivakumar. Audio-visual multi-modality driven hybrid feature learning model for crowd analysis and classification[J]. Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 2023, 20(7): 12529-12561. doi: 10.3934/mbe.2023558

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  • The high pace emergence in advanced software systems, low-cost hardware and decentralized cloud computing technologies have broadened the horizon for vision-based surveillance, monitoring and control. However, complex and inferior feature learning over visual artefacts or video streams, especially under extreme conditions confine majority of the at-hand vision-based crowd analysis and classification systems. Retrieving event-sensitive or crowd-type sensitive spatio-temporal features for the different crowd types under extreme conditions is a highly complex task. Consequently, it results in lower accuracy and hence low reliability that confines existing methods for real-time crowd analysis. Despite numerous efforts in vision-based approaches, the lack of acoustic cues often creates ambiguity in crowd classification. On the other hand, the strategic amalgamation of audio-visual features can enable accurate and reliable crowd analysis and classification. Considering it as motivation, in this research a novel audio-visual multi-modality driven hybrid feature learning model is developed for crowd analysis and classification. In this work, a hybrid feature extraction model was applied to extract deep spatio-temporal features by using Gray-Level Co-occurrence Metrics (GLCM) and AlexNet transferrable learning model. Once extracting the different GLCM features and AlexNet deep features, horizontal concatenation was done to fuse the different feature sets. Similarly, for acoustic feature extraction, the audio samples (from the input video) were processed for static (fixed size) sampling, pre-emphasis, block framing and Hann windowing, followed by acoustic feature extraction like GTCC, GTCC-Delta, GTCC-Delta-Delta, MFCC, Spectral Entropy, Spectral Flux, Spectral Slope and Harmonics to Noise Ratio (HNR). Finally, the extracted audio-visual features were fused to yield a composite multi-modal feature set, which is processed for classification using the random forest ensemble classifier. The multi-class classification yields a crowd-classification accurac12529y of (98.26%), precision (98.89%), sensitivity (94.82%), specificity (95.57%), and F-Measure of 98.84%. The robustness of the proposed multi-modality-based crowd analysis model confirms its suitability towards real-world crowd detection and classification tasks.


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