Research article Special Issues

Adopting improved Adam optimizer to train dendritic neuron model for water quality prediction

  • Received: 18 December 2022 Revised: 24 February 2023 Accepted: 02 March 2023 Published: 20 March 2023
  • As one of continuous concern all over the world, the problem of water quality may cause diseases and poisoning and even endanger people's lives. Therefore, the prediction of water quality is of great significance to the efficient management of water resources. However, existing prediction algorithms not only require more operation time but also have low accuracy. In recent years, neural networks are widely used to predict water quality, and the computational power of individual neurons has attracted more and more attention. The main content of this research is to use a novel dendritic neuron model (DNM) to predict water quality. In DNM, dendrites combine synapses of different states instead of simple linear weighting, which has a better fitting ability compared with traditional neural networks. In addition, a recent optimization algorithm called AMSGrad (Adaptive Gradient Method) has been introduced to improve the performance of the Adam dendritic neuron model (ADNM). The performance of ADNM is compared with that of traditional neural networks, and the simulation results show that ADNM is better than traditional neural networks in mean square error, root mean square error and other indicators. Furthermore, the stability and accuracy of ADNM are better than those of other conventional models. Based on trained neural networks, policymakers and managers can use the model to predict the water quality. Real-time water quality level at the monitoring site can be presented so that measures can be taken to avoid diseases caused by water quality problems.

    Citation: Jing Cao, Dong Zhao, Chenlei Tian, Ting Jin, Fei Song. Adopting improved Adam optimizer to train dendritic neuron model for water quality prediction[J]. Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 2023, 20(5): 9489-9510. doi: 10.3934/mbe.2023417

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  • As one of continuous concern all over the world, the problem of water quality may cause diseases and poisoning and even endanger people's lives. Therefore, the prediction of water quality is of great significance to the efficient management of water resources. However, existing prediction algorithms not only require more operation time but also have low accuracy. In recent years, neural networks are widely used to predict water quality, and the computational power of individual neurons has attracted more and more attention. The main content of this research is to use a novel dendritic neuron model (DNM) to predict water quality. In DNM, dendrites combine synapses of different states instead of simple linear weighting, which has a better fitting ability compared with traditional neural networks. In addition, a recent optimization algorithm called AMSGrad (Adaptive Gradient Method) has been introduced to improve the performance of the Adam dendritic neuron model (ADNM). The performance of ADNM is compared with that of traditional neural networks, and the simulation results show that ADNM is better than traditional neural networks in mean square error, root mean square error and other indicators. Furthermore, the stability and accuracy of ADNM are better than those of other conventional models. Based on trained neural networks, policymakers and managers can use the model to predict the water quality. Real-time water quality level at the monitoring site can be presented so that measures can be taken to avoid diseases caused by water quality problems.


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