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A pseudospectral method for investigating the stability of linear population models with two physiological structures

  • Received: 30 September 2022 Revised: 30 November 2022 Accepted: 07 December 2022 Published: 26 December 2022
  • The asymptotic stability of the null equilibrium of a linear population model with two physiological structures formulated as a first-order hyperbolic PDE is determined by the spectrum of its infinitesimal generator. In this paper, we propose a general numerical method to approximate this spectrum. In particular, we first reformulate the problem in the space of absolutely continuous functions in the sense of Carathéodory, so that the domain of the corresponding infinitesimal generator is defined by trivial boundary conditions. Via bivariate collocation, we discretize the reformulated operator as a finite-dimensional matrix, which can be used to approximate the spectrum of the original infinitesimal generator. Finally, we provide test examples illustrating the converging behavior of the approximated eigenvalues and eigenfunctions, and its dependence on the regularity of the model coefficients.

    Citation: Alessia Andò, Simone De Reggi, Davide Liessi, Francesca Scarabel. A pseudospectral method for investigating the stability of linear population models with two physiological structures[J]. Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 2023, 20(3): 4493-4515. doi: 10.3934/mbe.2023208

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  • The asymptotic stability of the null equilibrium of a linear population model with two physiological structures formulated as a first-order hyperbolic PDE is determined by the spectrum of its infinitesimal generator. In this paper, we propose a general numerical method to approximate this spectrum. In particular, we first reformulate the problem in the space of absolutely continuous functions in the sense of Carathéodory, so that the domain of the corresponding infinitesimal generator is defined by trivial boundary conditions. Via bivariate collocation, we discretize the reformulated operator as a finite-dimensional matrix, which can be used to approximate the spectrum of the original infinitesimal generator. Finally, we provide test examples illustrating the converging behavior of the approximated eigenvalues and eigenfunctions, and its dependence on the regularity of the model coefficients.


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