Research article Special Issues

Effect of decay behavior of information on disease dissemination in multiplex network

  • Received: 22 September 2022 Revised: 26 November 2022 Accepted: 05 December 2022 Published: 26 December 2022
  • The diseases dissemination always brings serious problems in the economy and livelihood issues. It is necessary to study the law of disease dissemination from multiple dimensions. Information quality about disease prevention has a great impact on the dissemination of disease, that is because only the real information can inhibit the dissemination of disease. In fact, the dissemination of information involves the decay of the amount of real information and the information quality becomes poor gradually, which will affect the individual's attitude and behavior towards disease. In order to study the influence of the decay behavior of information on disease dissemination, in the paper, an interaction model between information and disease dissemination is established to describe the effect of the decay behavior of information on the coupled dynamics of process in multiplex network. According to the mean-field theory, the threshold condition of disease dissemination is derived. Finally, through theoretical analysis and numerical simulation, some results can be obtained. The results show that decay behavior is a factor that greatly affects the disease dissemination and can change the final size of disease dissemination. The larger the decay constant, the smaller final size of disease dissemination. In the process of information dissemination, emphasizing key information can reduce the impact of decay behavior.

    Citation: Liang'an Huo, Shiguang Meng. Effect of decay behavior of information on disease dissemination in multiplex network[J]. Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 2023, 20(3): 4516-4531. doi: 10.3934/mbe.2023209

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  • The diseases dissemination always brings serious problems in the economy and livelihood issues. It is necessary to study the law of disease dissemination from multiple dimensions. Information quality about disease prevention has a great impact on the dissemination of disease, that is because only the real information can inhibit the dissemination of disease. In fact, the dissemination of information involves the decay of the amount of real information and the information quality becomes poor gradually, which will affect the individual's attitude and behavior towards disease. In order to study the influence of the decay behavior of information on disease dissemination, in the paper, an interaction model between information and disease dissemination is established to describe the effect of the decay behavior of information on the coupled dynamics of process in multiplex network. According to the mean-field theory, the threshold condition of disease dissemination is derived. Finally, through theoretical analysis and numerical simulation, some results can be obtained. The results show that decay behavior is a factor that greatly affects the disease dissemination and can change the final size of disease dissemination. The larger the decay constant, the smaller final size of disease dissemination. In the process of information dissemination, emphasizing key information can reduce the impact of decay behavior.


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