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Evaluation method of motor unit number index based on optimal muscle strength combination

  • Received: 23 August 2022 Revised: 29 November 2022 Accepted: 30 November 2022 Published: 12 December 2022
  • Repeatability is an important attribute of motor unit number index (MUNIX) technology. This paper proposes an optimal contraction force combination for MUNIX calculation in an effort to improve the repeatability of this technology. In this study, the surface electromyography (EMG) signals of the biceps brachii muscle of eight healthy subjects were initially recorded with high-density surface electrodes, and the contraction strength was the maximum voluntary contraction force of nine progressive levels. Then, by traversing and comparing the repeatability of MUNIX under various combinations of contraction force, the optimal combination of muscle strength is determined. Finally, calculate MUNIX using the high-density optimal muscle strength weighted average method. The correlation coefficient and the coefficient of variation are utilized to assess repeatability. The results show that when the muscle strength combination is 10, 20, 50 and 70% of the maximum voluntary contraction force, the repeatability of MUNIX is greatest, and the correlation between MUNIX calculated using this combination of muscle strength and conventional methods is high (PCC > 0.99), the repeatability of the MUNIX method improved by 11.5–23.8%. The results indicate that the repeatability of MUNIX differs for various combinations of muscle strength and that MUNIX, which is measured with a smaller number and lower-level contractility, has greater repeatability.

    Citation: Qun Xu, Suqi Xue, Farong Gao, Qiuxuan Wu, Qizhong Zhang. Evaluation method of motor unit number index based on optimal muscle strength combination[J]. Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 2023, 20(2): 3854-3872. doi: 10.3934/mbe.2023181

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  • Repeatability is an important attribute of motor unit number index (MUNIX) technology. This paper proposes an optimal contraction force combination for MUNIX calculation in an effort to improve the repeatability of this technology. In this study, the surface electromyography (EMG) signals of the biceps brachii muscle of eight healthy subjects were initially recorded with high-density surface electrodes, and the contraction strength was the maximum voluntary contraction force of nine progressive levels. Then, by traversing and comparing the repeatability of MUNIX under various combinations of contraction force, the optimal combination of muscle strength is determined. Finally, calculate MUNIX using the high-density optimal muscle strength weighted average method. The correlation coefficient and the coefficient of variation are utilized to assess repeatability. The results show that when the muscle strength combination is 10, 20, 50 and 70% of the maximum voluntary contraction force, the repeatability of MUNIX is greatest, and the correlation between MUNIX calculated using this combination of muscle strength and conventional methods is high (PCC > 0.99), the repeatability of the MUNIX method improved by 11.5–23.8%. The results indicate that the repeatability of MUNIX differs for various combinations of muscle strength and that MUNIX, which is measured with a smaller number and lower-level contractility, has greater repeatability.


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