Research article Special Issues

PrivacyMask: Real-world privacy protection in face ID systems

  • Received: 17 September 2022 Revised: 13 October 2022 Accepted: 24 October 2022 Published: 07 November 2022
  • Recent works have illustrated that many facial privacy protection methods are effective in specific face recognition algorithms. However, the COVID-19 pandemic has promoted the rapid innovation of face recognition algorithms for face occlusion, especially for the face wearing a mask. It is tricky to avoid being tracked by artificial intelligence only through ordinary props because many facial feature extractors can determine the ID only through a tiny local feature. Therefore, the ubiquitous high-precision camera makes privacy protection worrying. In this paper, we establish an attack method directed against liveness detection. A mask printed with a textured pattern is proposed, which can resist the face extractor optimized for face occlusion. We focus on studying the attack efficiency in adversarial patches mapping from two-dimensional to three-dimensional space. Specifically, we investigate a projection network for the mask structure. It can convert the patches to fit perfectly on the mask. Even if it is deformed, rotated and the lighting changes, it will reduce the recognition ability of the face extractor. The experimental results show that the proposed method can integrate multiple types of face recognition algorithms without significantly reducing the training performance. If we combine it with the static protection method, people can prevent face data from being collected.

    Citation: Guangmin Sun, Hao Wang, Yu Bai, Kun Zheng, Yanjun Zhang, Xiaoyong Li, Jie Liu. PrivacyMask: Real-world privacy protection in face ID systems[J]. Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 2023, 20(2): 1820-1840. doi: 10.3934/mbe.2023083

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  • Recent works have illustrated that many facial privacy protection methods are effective in specific face recognition algorithms. However, the COVID-19 pandemic has promoted the rapid innovation of face recognition algorithms for face occlusion, especially for the face wearing a mask. It is tricky to avoid being tracked by artificial intelligence only through ordinary props because many facial feature extractors can determine the ID only through a tiny local feature. Therefore, the ubiquitous high-precision camera makes privacy protection worrying. In this paper, we establish an attack method directed against liveness detection. A mask printed with a textured pattern is proposed, which can resist the face extractor optimized for face occlusion. We focus on studying the attack efficiency in adversarial patches mapping from two-dimensional to three-dimensional space. Specifically, we investigate a projection network for the mask structure. It can convert the patches to fit perfectly on the mask. Even if it is deformed, rotated and the lighting changes, it will reduce the recognition ability of the face extractor. The experimental results show that the proposed method can integrate multiple types of face recognition algorithms without significantly reducing the training performance. If we combine it with the static protection method, people can prevent face data from being collected.


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