Research article

A fishery predator-prey model with anti-predator behavior and complex dynamics induced by weighted fishing strategies

  • Received: 13 September 2022 Revised: 19 October 2022 Accepted: 27 October 2022 Published: 03 November 2022
  • In this work, a fishery predator-prey model with anti-predator behavior is presented according to the anti-predator phenomenon in nature. On the basis of this model, a capture model guided by a discontinuous weighted fishing strategy is established. For the continuous model, it analyzes how anti-predator behavior affects system dynamics. On this basis, it discusses the complex dynamics (order-$ m $ periodic solution ($ m = 1, 2 $)) induced by a weighted fishing strategy. Besides, in order to find the capture strategy that maximizes the economic profit in the fishing process, this paper constructs an optimization problem based on the periodic solution of the system. Finally, all of the results of this study have been verified numerically in MATLAB simulation.

    Citation: Yuan Tian, Yan Gao, Kaibiao Sun. A fishery predator-prey model with anti-predator behavior and complex dynamics induced by weighted fishing strategies[J]. Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 2023, 20(2): 1558-1579. doi: 10.3934/mbe.2023071

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  • In this work, a fishery predator-prey model with anti-predator behavior is presented according to the anti-predator phenomenon in nature. On the basis of this model, a capture model guided by a discontinuous weighted fishing strategy is established. For the continuous model, it analyzes how anti-predator behavior affects system dynamics. On this basis, it discusses the complex dynamics (order-$ m $ periodic solution ($ m = 1, 2 $)) induced by a weighted fishing strategy. Besides, in order to find the capture strategy that maximizes the economic profit in the fishing process, this paper constructs an optimization problem based on the periodic solution of the system. Finally, all of the results of this study have been verified numerically in MATLAB simulation.


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