Research article Special Issues

A fuzzy DRBFNN-based information security risk assessment method in improving the efficiency of urban development

  • Received: 05 October 2022 Revised: 05 November 2022 Accepted: 14 November 2022 Published: 01 December 2022
  • The rapid development of urban informatization is an important way for cities to achieve a higher pattern, but the accompanying information security problem become a major challenge restricting the efficiency of urban development. Therefore, effective identification and assessment of information security risks has become a key factor to improve the efficiency of urban development. In this paper, an information security risk assessment method based on fuzzy theory and neural network technology is proposed to help identify and solve the information security problem in the development of urban informatization. Combined with the theory of information ecology, this method establishes an improved fuzzy neural network model from four aspects by using fuzzy theory, neural network model and DEMATEL method, and then constructs the information security risk assessment system of smart city. According to this method, this paper analyzed 25 smart cities in China, and provided suggestions and guidance for information security control in the process of urban informatization construction.

    Citation: Li Yang, Kai Zou, Kai Gao, Zhiyi Jiang. A fuzzy DRBFNN-based information security risk assessment method in improving the efficiency of urban development[J]. Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 2022, 19(12): 14232-14250. doi: 10.3934/mbe.2022662

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  • The rapid development of urban informatization is an important way for cities to achieve a higher pattern, but the accompanying information security problem become a major challenge restricting the efficiency of urban development. Therefore, effective identification and assessment of information security risks has become a key factor to improve the efficiency of urban development. In this paper, an information security risk assessment method based on fuzzy theory and neural network technology is proposed to help identify and solve the information security problem in the development of urban informatization. Combined with the theory of information ecology, this method establishes an improved fuzzy neural network model from four aspects by using fuzzy theory, neural network model and DEMATEL method, and then constructs the information security risk assessment system of smart city. According to this method, this paper analyzed 25 smart cities in China, and provided suggestions and guidance for information security control in the process of urban informatization construction.


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