Research article Special Issues

Hybrid recommendation algorithm based on real-valued RBM and CNN

  • Received: 13 May 2022 Revised: 14 July 2022 Accepted: 22 July 2022 Published: 27 July 2022
  • With the unprecedented development of big data, it is becoming hard to get the valuable information hence, the recommendation system is becoming more and more popular. When the limited Boltzmann machine is used for collaborative filtering, only the scoring matrix is considered, and the influence of the item content, the user characteristics and the user evaluation content on the predicted score is not considered. To solve this problem, the modified hybrid recommendation algorithm based on Gaussian restricted Boltzmann machine is proposed in the paper. The user text information and the item text information are input to the embedding layer to change the text information into numerical vector. The convolutional neural network is used to get the latent feature vector of the text information. The latent vector is connected to rating vector to get the item and the user vector. The user vector and the item vector are fused together to get the user-item matrix which is input to the visual layer of Gaussian restricted Boltzmann Machine to predict the ratings. Some simulation experiments have been performed on the algorithm, and the results of the experiments proved that the algorithm is feasible.

    Citation: Jue Wu, Lei Yang, Fujun Yang, Peihong Zhang, Keqiang Bai. Hybrid recommendation algorithm based on real-valued RBM and CNN[J]. Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 2022, 19(10): 10673-10686. doi: 10.3934/mbe.2022499

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  • With the unprecedented development of big data, it is becoming hard to get the valuable information hence, the recommendation system is becoming more and more popular. When the limited Boltzmann machine is used for collaborative filtering, only the scoring matrix is considered, and the influence of the item content, the user characteristics and the user evaluation content on the predicted score is not considered. To solve this problem, the modified hybrid recommendation algorithm based on Gaussian restricted Boltzmann machine is proposed in the paper. The user text information and the item text information are input to the embedding layer to change the text information into numerical vector. The convolutional neural network is used to get the latent feature vector of the text information. The latent vector is connected to rating vector to get the item and the user vector. The user vector and the item vector are fused together to get the user-item matrix which is input to the visual layer of Gaussian restricted Boltzmann Machine to predict the ratings. Some simulation experiments have been performed on the algorithm, and the results of the experiments proved that the algorithm is feasible.


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