Research article Special Issues

An improved self-supervised learning for EEG classification

  • Received: 15 January 2022 Revised: 29 April 2022 Accepted: 02 May 2022 Published: 09 May 2022
  • Motor Imagery EEG (MI-EEG) classification plays an important role in different Brain-Computer Interface (BCI) systems. Recently, deep learning has been widely used in the MI-EEG classification tasks, however this technology requires a large number of labeled training samples which are difficult to obtain, and insufficient labeled training samples will result in a degradation of the classification performance. To address the degradation problem, we investigate a Self-Supervised Learning (SSL) based MI-EEG classification method to reduce the dependence on a large number of labeled training samples. The proposed method includes a pretext task and a downstream classification one. In the pretext task, each MI-EEG is rearranged according to the temporal characteristic. A network is pre-trained using the original and rearranged MI-EEGs. In the downstream task, a MI-EEG classification network is firstly initialized by the network learned in the pretext task and then trained using a small number of the labeled training samples. A series of experiments are conducted on Data sets 1 and 2b of BCI competition IV and IVa of BCI competition III. In the case of one third of the labeled training samples, the proposed method can obtain an obvious improvement compared to the baseline network without using SSL. In the experiments under different percentages of the labeled training samples, the results show that the designed SSL strategy is effective and beneficial to improving the classification performance.

    Citation: Yanghan Ou, Siqin Sun, Haitao Gan, Ran Zhou, Zhi Yang. An improved self-supervised learning for EEG classification[J]. Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 2022, 19(7): 6907-6922. doi: 10.3934/mbe.2022325

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  • Motor Imagery EEG (MI-EEG) classification plays an important role in different Brain-Computer Interface (BCI) systems. Recently, deep learning has been widely used in the MI-EEG classification tasks, however this technology requires a large number of labeled training samples which are difficult to obtain, and insufficient labeled training samples will result in a degradation of the classification performance. To address the degradation problem, we investigate a Self-Supervised Learning (SSL) based MI-EEG classification method to reduce the dependence on a large number of labeled training samples. The proposed method includes a pretext task and a downstream classification one. In the pretext task, each MI-EEG is rearranged according to the temporal characteristic. A network is pre-trained using the original and rearranged MI-EEGs. In the downstream task, a MI-EEG classification network is firstly initialized by the network learned in the pretext task and then trained using a small number of the labeled training samples. A series of experiments are conducted on Data sets 1 and 2b of BCI competition IV and IVa of BCI competition III. In the case of one third of the labeled training samples, the proposed method can obtain an obvious improvement compared to the baseline network without using SSL. In the experiments under different percentages of the labeled training samples, the results show that the designed SSL strategy is effective and beneficial to improving the classification performance.


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