Research article

Recognition of bovine milk somatic cells based on multi-feature extraction and a GBDT-AdaBoost fusion model

  • Received: 27 December 2021 Revised: 23 March 2022 Accepted: 29 March 2022 Published: 07 April 2022
  • Traditional laboratory microscopy for identifying bovine milk somatic cells is subjective, time-consuming, and labor-intensive. The accuracy of the recognition directly through a single classifier is low. In this paper, a novel algorithm that combined the feature extraction algorithm and fusion classification model was proposed to identify the somatic cells. First, 392 cell images from four types of bovine milk somatic cells dataset were trained and tested. Secondly, filtering and the K-means method were used to preprocess and segment the images. Thirdly, the color, morphological, and texture features of the four types of cells were extracted, totaling 100 features. Finally, the gradient boosting decision tree (GBDT)-AdaBoost fusion model was proposed. For the GBDT classifier, the light gradient boosting machine (LightGBM) was used as the weak classifier. The decision tree (DT) was used as the weak classifier of the AdaBoost classifier. The results showed that the average recognition accuracy of the GBDT-AdaBoost reached 98.0%. At the same time, that of random forest (RF), extremely randomized tree (ET), DT, and LightGBM was 79.9, 71.1, 67.3 and 77.2%, respectively. The recall rate of the GBDT-AdaBoost model was the best performance on all types of cells. The F1-Score of the GBDT-AdaBoost model was also better than the results of any single classifiers. The proposed algorithm can effectively recognize the image of bovine milk somatic cells. Moreover, it may provide a reference for recognizing bovine milk somatic cells with similar shape size characteristics and is difficult to distinguish.

    Citation: Jie Bai, Heru Xue, Xinhua Jiang, Yanqing Zhou. Recognition of bovine milk somatic cells based on multi-feature extraction and a GBDT-AdaBoost fusion model[J]. Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 2022, 19(6): 5850-5866. doi: 10.3934/mbe.2022274

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  • Traditional laboratory microscopy for identifying bovine milk somatic cells is subjective, time-consuming, and labor-intensive. The accuracy of the recognition directly through a single classifier is low. In this paper, a novel algorithm that combined the feature extraction algorithm and fusion classification model was proposed to identify the somatic cells. First, 392 cell images from four types of bovine milk somatic cells dataset were trained and tested. Secondly, filtering and the K-means method were used to preprocess and segment the images. Thirdly, the color, morphological, and texture features of the four types of cells were extracted, totaling 100 features. Finally, the gradient boosting decision tree (GBDT)-AdaBoost fusion model was proposed. For the GBDT classifier, the light gradient boosting machine (LightGBM) was used as the weak classifier. The decision tree (DT) was used as the weak classifier of the AdaBoost classifier. The results showed that the average recognition accuracy of the GBDT-AdaBoost reached 98.0%. At the same time, that of random forest (RF), extremely randomized tree (ET), DT, and LightGBM was 79.9, 71.1, 67.3 and 77.2%, respectively. The recall rate of the GBDT-AdaBoost model was the best performance on all types of cells. The F1-Score of the GBDT-AdaBoost model was also better than the results of any single classifiers. The proposed algorithm can effectively recognize the image of bovine milk somatic cells. Moreover, it may provide a reference for recognizing bovine milk somatic cells with similar shape size characteristics and is difficult to distinguish.


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