Research article Special Issues

EMD-based analysis of complexity with dissociated EEG amplitude and frequency information: a data-driven robust tool -for Autism diagnosis- compared to multi-scale entropy approach

  • Received: 08 July 2021 Revised: 30 December 2021 Accepted: 25 January 2022 Published: 16 March 2022
  • Objective: Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is usually characterised by altered social skills, repetitive behaviours, and difficulties in verbal/nonverbal communication. It has been reported that electroencephalograms (EEGs) in ASD are characterised by atypical complexity. The most commonly applied method in studies of ASD EEG complexity is multiscale entropy (MSE), where the sample entropy is evaluated across several scales. However, the accuracy of MSE-based classifications between ASD and neurotypical EEG activities is poor owing to several shortcomings in scale extraction and length, the overlap between amplitude and frequency information, and sensitivity to frequency. The present study proposes a novel, nonlinear, non-stationary, adaptive, data-driven, and accurate method for the classification of ASD and neurotypical groups based on EEG complexity and entropy without the shortcomings of MSE. Approach: The proposed method is as follows: (a) each ASD and neurotypical EEG (122 subjects × 64 channels) is decomposed using empirical mode decomposition (EMD) to obtain the intrinsic components (intrinsic mode functions). (b) The extracted components are normalised through the direct quadrature procedure. (c) The Hilbert transforms of the components are computed. (d) The analytic counterparts of components (and normalised components) are found. (e) The instantaneous frequency function of each analytic normalised component is calculated. (f) The instantaneous amplitude function of each analytic component is calculated. (g) The Shannon entropy values of the instantaneous frequency and amplitude vectors are computed. (h) The entropy values are classified using a neural network (NN). (i) The achieved accuracy is compared to that obtained with MSE-based classification. (j) The consistency of the results of entropy 3D mapping with clinical data is assessed. Main results: The results demonstrate that the proposed method outperforms MSE (accuracy: 66.4%), with an accuracy of 93.5%. Moreover, the entropy 3D mapping results are more consistent with the available clinical data regarding brain topography in ASD. Significance: This study presents a more robust alternative to MSE, which can be used for accurate classification of ASD/neurotypical as well as for the examination of EEG entropy across brain zones in ASD.

    Citation: Enas Abdulhay, Maha Alafeef, Hikmat Hadoush, V. Venkataraman, N. Arunkumar. EMD-based analysis of complexity with dissociated EEG amplitude and frequency information: a data-driven robust tool -for Autism diagnosis- compared to multi-scale entropy approach[J]. Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 2022, 19(5): 5031-5054. doi: 10.3934/mbe.2022235

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  • Objective: Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is usually characterised by altered social skills, repetitive behaviours, and difficulties in verbal/nonverbal communication. It has been reported that electroencephalograms (EEGs) in ASD are characterised by atypical complexity. The most commonly applied method in studies of ASD EEG complexity is multiscale entropy (MSE), where the sample entropy is evaluated across several scales. However, the accuracy of MSE-based classifications between ASD and neurotypical EEG activities is poor owing to several shortcomings in scale extraction and length, the overlap between amplitude and frequency information, and sensitivity to frequency. The present study proposes a novel, nonlinear, non-stationary, adaptive, data-driven, and accurate method for the classification of ASD and neurotypical groups based on EEG complexity and entropy without the shortcomings of MSE. Approach: The proposed method is as follows: (a) each ASD and neurotypical EEG (122 subjects × 64 channels) is decomposed using empirical mode decomposition (EMD) to obtain the intrinsic components (intrinsic mode functions). (b) The extracted components are normalised through the direct quadrature procedure. (c) The Hilbert transforms of the components are computed. (d) The analytic counterparts of components (and normalised components) are found. (e) The instantaneous frequency function of each analytic normalised component is calculated. (f) The instantaneous amplitude function of each analytic component is calculated. (g) The Shannon entropy values of the instantaneous frequency and amplitude vectors are computed. (h) The entropy values are classified using a neural network (NN). (i) The achieved accuracy is compared to that obtained with MSE-based classification. (j) The consistency of the results of entropy 3D mapping with clinical data is assessed. Main results: The results demonstrate that the proposed method outperforms MSE (accuracy: 66.4%), with an accuracy of 93.5%. Moreover, the entropy 3D mapping results are more consistent with the available clinical data regarding brain topography in ASD. Significance: This study presents a more robust alternative to MSE, which can be used for accurate classification of ASD/neurotypical as well as for the examination of EEG entropy across brain zones in ASD.


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