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Risk of lung cancer due to external environmental factor and epidemiological data analysis

  • Received: 15 May 2021 Accepted: 30 June 2021 Published: 08 July 2021
  • Lung cancer is a cancer with the fastest growth in the incidence and mortality all over the world, which is an extremely serious threat to human's life and health. Evidences reveal that external environmental factors are the key drivers of lung cancer, such as smoking, radiation exposure and so on. Therefore, it is urgent to explain the mechanism of lung cancer risk due to external environmental factors experimentally and theoretically. However, it is still an open issue regarding how external environment factors affect lung cancer risk. In this paper, we summarize the main mathematical models involved the gene mutations for cancers, and review the application of the models to analyze the mechanism of lung cancer and the risk of lung cancer due to external environmental exposure. In addition, we apply the model described and the epidemiological data to analyze the influence of external environmental factors on lung cancer risk. The result indicates that radiation can cause significantly an increase in the mutation rate of cells, in particular the mutation in stability gene that leads to genomic instability. These studies not only can offer insights into the relationship between external environmental factors and human lung cancer risk, but also can provide theoretical guidance for the prevention and control of lung cancer.

    Citation: Lingling Li, Mengyao Shao, Xingshi He, Shanjing Ren, Tianhai Tian. Risk of lung cancer due to external environmental factor and epidemiological data analysis[J]. Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 2021, 18(5): 6079-6094. doi: 10.3934/mbe.2021304

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  • Lung cancer is a cancer with the fastest growth in the incidence and mortality all over the world, which is an extremely serious threat to human's life and health. Evidences reveal that external environmental factors are the key drivers of lung cancer, such as smoking, radiation exposure and so on. Therefore, it is urgent to explain the mechanism of lung cancer risk due to external environmental factors experimentally and theoretically. However, it is still an open issue regarding how external environment factors affect lung cancer risk. In this paper, we summarize the main mathematical models involved the gene mutations for cancers, and review the application of the models to analyze the mechanism of lung cancer and the risk of lung cancer due to external environmental exposure. In addition, we apply the model described and the epidemiological data to analyze the influence of external environmental factors on lung cancer risk. The result indicates that radiation can cause significantly an increase in the mutation rate of cells, in particular the mutation in stability gene that leads to genomic instability. These studies not only can offer insights into the relationship between external environmental factors and human lung cancer risk, but also can provide theoretical guidance for the prevention and control of lung cancer.


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