Research article Special Issues

Weak convergence of the conditional single index $ U $-statistics for locally stationary functional time series

  • Received: 12 February 2024 Revised: 01 April 2024 Accepted: 12 April 2024 Published: 24 April 2024
  • MSC : 60F17, 62E17, 62G05, 62G08, 62G20, 62G35, 62G07, 62G32

  • In recent years, there has been a notable shift in focus towards the analysis of non-stationary time series, driven largely by the complexities associated with delineating significant asymptotic behaviors inherent to such processes. The genesis of the theory of locally stationary processes arises from the quest for asymptotic inference grounded in nonparametric statistics. This paper endeavors to formulate a comprehensive framework for conducting inference within the realm of locally stationary functional time series by harnessing the conditional $ U $-statistics methodology as propounded by W. Stute in 1991. The proposed methodology extends the Nadaraya-Watson regression function estimations. Within this context, a novel estimator was introduced for the single index conditional $ U $-statistics operator, adept at accommodating the non-stationary attributes inherent to the data-generating process. The primary objective of this paper was to establish the weak convergence of conditional $ U $-processes within the domain of locally stationary functional mixing data. Specifically, the investigation delved into scenarios of weak convergence involving functional explanatory variables, considering both bounded and unbounded sets of functions while adhering to specific moment requirements. The derived findings emanate from broad structural specifications applicable to the class of functions and models under scrutiny. The theoretical insights expounded in this study constitute pivotal tools for advancing the domain of functional data analysis.

    Citation: Salim Bouzebda. Weak convergence of the conditional single index $ U $-statistics for locally stationary functional time series[J]. AIMS Mathematics, 2024, 9(6): 14807-14898. doi: 10.3934/math.2024720

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