In order to ensure that only the designated person can verify the signer's signature on the message, Steinfeld et al. introduced the concept of Universal Designated Verifier Signature (UDVS), which enables a designator who has obtained a signature on a message from the signer to designate the signature to any desired designated verifier. This idea was developed to address the privacy concerns of the signature holder at the time of certificate distribution. They are appropriate for applications that demand the designer's secrecy. The fact that the designated verifier must generate a public key with regard to the signer's public parameter for signature verification is a significant drawback of UDVS methods. In cases where the verifier is unable to begin the key generation procedure, this constraint is inapplicable. Baek et al. developed the idea of "Universal Designated Verifier Signature Proof (UDVSP)", which does not require the verifier's public key for verification, to get around this restriction. All existing UDVSP constructions are based on a discrete logarithm problem, which is vulnerable to quantum computer attacks. As a result, an efficient quantum resistant UDVSP is built on a hard problem in coding theory, as suggested by NIST reports. The scheme's security against forgeability and impersonation attacks is examined using the random oracle model.
Citation: P. Thanalakshmi, N. Anbazhagan, Gyanendra Prasad Joshi, Eunmok Yang. A quantum resistant universal designated verifier signature proof[J]. AIMS Mathematics, 2023, 8(8): 18234-18250. doi: 10.3934/math.2023927
In order to ensure that only the designated person can verify the signer's signature on the message, Steinfeld et al. introduced the concept of Universal Designated Verifier Signature (UDVS), which enables a designator who has obtained a signature on a message from the signer to designate the signature to any desired designated verifier. This idea was developed to address the privacy concerns of the signature holder at the time of certificate distribution. They are appropriate for applications that demand the designer's secrecy. The fact that the designated verifier must generate a public key with regard to the signer's public parameter for signature verification is a significant drawback of UDVS methods. In cases where the verifier is unable to begin the key generation procedure, this constraint is inapplicable. Baek et al. developed the idea of "Universal Designated Verifier Signature Proof (UDVSP)", which does not require the verifier's public key for verification, to get around this restriction. All existing UDVSP constructions are based on a discrete logarithm problem, which is vulnerable to quantum computer attacks. As a result, an efficient quantum resistant UDVSP is built on a hard problem in coding theory, as suggested by NIST reports. The scheme's security against forgeability and impersonation attacks is examined using the random oracle model.
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