Research article Special Issues

Approximating the solution of a nonlinear delay integral equation by an efficient iterative algorithm in hyperbolic spaces

  • Received: 10 December 2022 Revised: 28 March 2023 Accepted: 29 March 2023 Published: 21 April 2023
  • MSC : 26A33, 34B10, 34B15

  • In this article, we propose the modified AH iteration process in Hyperbolic spaces to approximate the fixed points of mappings enriched with condition $ (E) $. The data dependence result of the proposed iteration process is studied for almost contraction mappings. Further, we obtain several new strong and $ \vartriangle $-convergence results of the proposed iteration algorithm for the class of mappings enriched with the condition $ (E) $. Also, we illustrate the efficiency of our results over existing results in literature with the aid of some numerical examples. Finally, we use our main results to find the solution of nonlinear integral equation with two delays.

    Citation: Austine Efut Ofem, Hüseyin Işik, Godwin Chidi Ugwunnadi, Reny George, Ojen Kumar Narain. Approximating the solution of a nonlinear delay integral equation by an efficient iterative algorithm in hyperbolic spaces[J]. AIMS Mathematics, 2023, 8(7): 14919-14950. doi: 10.3934/math.2023762

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  • In this article, we propose the modified AH iteration process in Hyperbolic spaces to approximate the fixed points of mappings enriched with condition $ (E) $. The data dependence result of the proposed iteration process is studied for almost contraction mappings. Further, we obtain several new strong and $ \vartriangle $-convergence results of the proposed iteration algorithm for the class of mappings enriched with the condition $ (E) $. Also, we illustrate the efficiency of our results over existing results in literature with the aid of some numerical examples. Finally, we use our main results to find the solution of nonlinear integral equation with two delays.


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