Research article

Generalized proportional fractional integral inequalities for convex functions

  • Received: 16 March 2021 Accepted: 19 July 2021 Published: 26 July 2021
  • MSC : 26A33, 26D10, 26D53

  • In this paper, we establish some inequalities for convex functions by applying the generalized proportional fractional integral. Some new results by using the linkage between the proportional fractional integral and the Riemann-Liouville fractional integral are obtained. Moreover, we give special cases of our reported results. Obtained results provide generalizations for some of the current results in the literature by applying some special values to the parameters.

    Citation: Majid K. Neamah, Alawiah Ibrahim. Generalized proportional fractional integral inequalities for convex functions[J]. AIMS Mathematics, 2021, 6(10): 10765-10777. doi: 10.3934/math.2021625

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